
  1. A

    Question How to update the add-on?

    Hi, Very nice add-on! I just purchased it yesterday and you updated today :) 1.- How should update the add-on? If I need to upload the folder of new version where I can find the link to download it? 2.- If update through upload the files Will I lost the translations and data? 3.- How I can...
  2. I

    Question Recommended update frequency?

    Hello, my forum is under construction and is not yet online. What is the recommended update frequency... Always, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly? What is the best attitude? Best Regards
  3. G

    Bug vbDonate 1.4.9 Lite not displaying 2018 years?

    I can't select dates past 2017 for goal end date. I remember having to update to get 2017 dates...Thank you in advance for your excellent support.
  4. F

    Bug PHP 7.1 throws error when selecting Memcached

    FYI: I have the latest version of Memcached running on PHP 7.1. When I selected Memcached as a caching option in VB Optimise's control panel I got this error: Fatal User Error: The Memcached class is no longer supported, please update your config to use Memcache in...
  5. H

    Question Support

    I was trying to open a ticket but it didn't work. I am looking for an update for my email v2 or v2.1.3pl4 . You guys installed that software on my website. You also send me an update some time ago but it was by mistake deleted. I know this is not a support ticket site ,it is a forum but...
  6. F

    Question Cant Add a new item

    Hy, i cant add new items in the classifieds. I dont now, whtas the error for this. I download the classifieds 1.1.17, then i unpack the folder, i upload the folders to my server an installed the xml file in the acp / product section. Im wounder, the install will run for 3-4 Minutes and adter...
  7. EasyEasy

    Legacy Adding beam.pro

    Please can you add beam.pro to the list of available channel providers? Beam | Interactive Livestreaming Its been added to the Xbox One dashboard update. Thank you.
  8. L

    Legacy Any Updates

    Was wondering if there are any updates coming anytime soon, have noticed it has been a long time since an update to the arcade has come out. IF there is an update will it include any new functionality such as game downloads, report game etc. ?
  9. Cheyenne

    Question Confusing Update

    Trying to install this update, but I'm a little confuse about the upload? 1. Where do the following files goes as I have no files called js library styles security 2., In the includes/cron, there is a DBTech folder...does this go in the directory inside includes or inside...
  10. R

    Bug Not working after upgrade to 4.2.5 Beta 1

    Hello, Everything shows fine but the Post Thanks button does not do anything. All I have done recently is add the updated gallery and update Vbulletin to 4.2.5 Beta 1.. Thanks
  11. S

    Classifieds for 3.8 ?

    Hy, I have a VBulletin 3.8 Board and i search for a perfect classified - i think, i found it :-) But some questions i have : Run it on VB 3.8 or must i update ? I there a tranlation in german ? Many thanks Frank
  12. neogeox

    Legacy Will update for php 7?

    You will update soon this for php 7? Yesterday they launch 4.2.5 Beta
  13. B

    23 - Product updates

    Will just write some words about this thread - http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f4/23-products-updated-jquery-performance-improvements-20057/ Can we get free those updates - because i think that is not "fer" that we must renew so many licenses for that update (jquery) and it is high cost for us...
  14. CharlieDelta

    Downloading Problem

    I am trying to download all the products for the jquery update and I can't seem to download them. I get the generating download pop up but it just freezes.
  15. Fillip H.

    23 Products Updated: jQuery Performance Improvements

    Hey all, We have released an update to over 20 of our products to address a piece of feedback we've received from multiple users. Our most loyal customers were concerned that we included too many copies of jQuery, causing unnecessary network traffic and slowing page loads. We have now taken...
  16. scottkoz20

    Bug Users not able to Edit posts with Add-on enabled

    I had an issue previously with members attempting to Copy/paste from one forum to another and figured out that anything with a QUOTE tag (or any other coding) was not counting toward the 2 character minimum. That is something that I can handle and deal with my members with. However, there is...
  17. Fillip H.

    DragonByte ForumAds v2.1.0 Patch Level 3 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte ForumAds v2.1.0 Patch Level 3 in order to resolve issues reported by the community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte Forum Ads v2 (vB4) - vBulletin.org Forum, and also please rate it to...
  18. M

    Bug After Update today problem

    I have today see the new Update 2.4.8pl1. I have without problem install. After Update is not possible post new Files. The Skyle is also wrong :(. I have change version to old but the problem is always. I have all files new upload, new xml import, Flush Cache.
  19. Mokonzi

    DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Closed Beta 2 Released!

    Hi everyone, Today we're releasing the Closed Beta 2 for DragonByte Classifieds Version 2. This update begins introducing some new options we have planned for PayPal, including the ability to require sellers to pay their Insertion fees for a Listing before it can be approved to be displayed...
  20. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Alpha 6 Update

    Latest update is now Alpha 6... bringing a number of new features and fixes: Fixed: Username not saving correctly as a Username in some settings Change: 'Discuss this Listing' changed to 'Forum Discussion' on the View Listing page because of the addition of the Comments and Messaging tabs...