
  1. 1quicksi

    Bug Upload message

    I figured out the image is 2.01MB and my limit is 2MB so I know why it wont upload but the message being show after I submit the image for upload is a bit cryptic.. Also when uploading a bunch of images and I "save all" the images disappear but the screen with the "save all" button remains...
  2. webi

    Bug No New Files to Upload

    Hi Phillip. we can not upload any new files. No files are added to the list in order to upload then to start. An update to the current version has the problem not solved. ACP and FTP account are active. Best Regards
  3. T

    Question Changing category

    Hi If I upload an image into the wrong category, how do I change the category? Thanks
  4. T

    Question Batch upload, migration from Gallery2

    We are considering installing this on a 4.2 vBulletin, but we currently use Gallery2 and I'm wondering how we would upload our 6500 images. They are currently arranged in a folder hierarchy. We can change that to categories and I can dump out the Gallery 2 info from the database and create a...
  5. R

    Bug Shoutbox upload failed

    To whom it may concern, With the permission from the lead administrator I assisted him with the upload of files for the DB-Tech shoutbox on his server for the vBulletin website, upon the installation process threw the plugin & products section of the admin panel it loaded all the tables within...
  6. T

    Bug seo This page resulted in too many redirects.

    This page resulted in too many redirects. Clear Cookie this site or allowing third-party Cookie may resolve this problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer Please you can help me! php:5.6.9+mysql5.6.25+nginx1.8.0 It has been set: 1...
  7. B

    Question Problem with upload youtube video

    When i try upload youtube video i get blank page - some help? this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQtfts2sfWc regards bosss Get this link http://www.mysite.com/vb4/dbtgallery.php?do=doaddimage and blank (white) page. have latest gallery 1.3.2 pl4
  8. Steris56

    error uploading

    The following dependencies were not met: This product is not compatible with version 5.2.17 of PHP. (Compatible starting with 5.3.0 / Incompatible with 9.9.9 and greater) this is what i got when i tried to upload this to my test site is how do i fix this to where i can upload this product
  9. H

    Question Can't get Smiley To Work With VBShop

    I can't seem to add smileys through the shop. Every time, I get this error: "There was an error encountered with your upload: Invalid URL" If I upload the file, it is not visible in smiley manager - graphic doesn't show up. Do you know what would cause this? Also, is there a way to limit...
  10. S

    Bug Installing isnt correctly

    Hey dear DBTech Forum, Im Trying to install the DBTech VBShop Lite Add On. Im am super Admin also, but every Time I Try to Upload the XML after FTP Upload I get A Message like: "No permissions" after this I Get a Message like: "Reparing Cache..." Then i have to reloaded. It seems like i...
  11. K

    Question Downloading Question

    Downloading Question I have set up Downlods Lite (Successfully I think) I have enabled "Uploads" (Successfully I think) I have permissions for myself (Admin) and for the Group as Can View, Can Download and Can Upload. I have been able to upload a file (PDF). I can see the file in the...
  12. S

    Question Someone is abusing the upload count

    Hello, I have a guy who has found a loophole with the upload points. Somehow he is using an attachment uploaded by someone else to gain the points. The link back is to the same image, if you look at the image (below) you will see that the times of the uploads are all together. Take a look at...
  13. M

    Bug QuickReply - double post

    Since version 1.4.1 we have a very strange problem. With normal browsers like firefox and internet explorer quick reply works also with full ajax support. When we use an iOS device with Safari we get a full postback without AJAX and since 1.4.1 we have then the post twice. When we upload all...
  14. Grumpy

    Question Can't multi upload images

    I can't multi upload images. I get error: upload failed even if I try to upload just one image. The basic upload feature works fine, but you have to upload one at the time. I only have this problem while using classifieds, in my regular forumhome area multi image uploads works fine. Any...
  15. P

    Gallery Navigation

    1) On my test site people are unable to upload photos because they cannot find the upload link. It is up above the gallery in the Nav Bar. 2) Is it possible to put the gallery nav links in the gallery itself, maybe at the top of the gallery pages? A text link is fine. Can they be added to...
  16. A

    Question Gallery

    Gallery Issues I am noticing problems. I have my permissions set up so only admin can edit and delete images but registered members can also edit and delete images. I also removed the code that shows the camera info when uploading photos and since doing this my photo will not upload but...
  17. J

    Bug Images Wont Upload

    So I am having a problem uploading images. Despite me attempting to upload an image type of the ones listed as supported, jpeg, png, etc, it comes back as saying the file I've attempted to upload is not supported, then it lists in parenthesis the ones that are, but the ones I am trying to upload...
  18. bzcomputers

    Bug Total downloads counting failed file uploads

    When uploading groups of files, it seems that if some files initially fail on the upload that they are still being counted in the download count. Then when I get the files to upload and save the new download to the system, the file count is off as if the files within the download are being...
  19. LenKaiser

    Question Add PDF as allowed file

    I've installed this for a client and I need to know how do I enable the use of members uploading a PDF? Thanks.
  20. G

    Question Upgrade

    Just bought a licence for info panels and I'm about to upgrade from the free version. Can I assume that all I need to do is upload and overwrite files that are already there and just import the XML file with overwrite on? Nothing else I need to do?