
  1. J

    Question java script and login box issue

    Hi Can you help me to get forum ads to play nice with my themes login box? Forum Ads - Purchase Advertisements - East Coast Surfcasters The Forum none of the forum ads functions work like add to cart and packages tab. everything works good in the default theme and it must be with the login...
  2. T

    Question How can I change the colors?

    What style var I change the color? Thanks
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Code Does Not Seperated

    Code Does Not Seperated in dbtech\thanks\clientscript\thanks.js ? I need to add some code but impossibile read to find. In Version 3.2.9 Code Is: $.noConflict(true)(function($) { var ftd = $(document), lastClick = 0; thanksOptions.floodTime = parseInt(thanksOptions.floodTime)...
  4. S

    Bug Getting errors with XCache

    Hi, I am trying to get XCache enabled on my site but am getting presented with errors: Warning: xcache_isset(): XCache var cache was not initialized properly. Check php log for actual reason in /home/subaru/public_html/forums/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_datastore.php on line 381 Warning...
  5. R

    Bug Bug in getCookie in gallery.js

    function getCookie(name) {var nameEQ=name+"=";var ca=document.cookie.split(';');for(var i=0;i<ca.length;i++) {var c=ca[i];while(c.charAt(O)==' ')c=c.substring(1,c.length);if(c.indexOf(nameEQ)==0)return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);} return null;} in the c.charAt(O) part the alpha "O"...
  6. R

    Legacy Trying to make Enlarge checkbox persistent

    I am trying to make the Enlarge function persistent using cookies and javascript. I have modified the body statement in the dbtech_gallery template to: <body onload="DBTech_Gallery.check_enlarge();"> I have also modified/added some code to gallery.js...