vbulletin mods

  1. greenlinenshirt

    Question Copyright Question

    I had a question about copyright text. I know I can't remove it without buying the branding free option. But what are the rules on editing it at all? I am using vBCredits & vBShop (both pro) and some of the info is double and kinda long. This is what it looks like now: It's currently centered...
  2. XGC Paravain

    Question Vb Custom Nav

    I know this is the wrong thread but I could not find the Custom Nav forums forgive me Custom Nav is working sweet and is a nice little modification, My question is about the looks, is there a way I can clean it up so it looks neater more like DBT has it? Screen shot of what mine looks like...
  3. P

    Question 1 question :)

    hello iam thinking of installing the forum tabs mode but i have 1 question can i configure it like on the picture http://www.dodaj.rs/f/c/ll/3UyQaV3h/tabs.jpg that only forums - vbulletin mods -xforo mods - skins - and more are shown without the favorites refres etc at the end that it looks...
  4. CharlieDelta

    Legacy Copyright Concern and Integration

    I am concerned about the copyright with the classifieds. First I am wondering why it is not integrated into the existing copyright location at the page footer like all other DBT mods as I am running DBT Copyright Managment mod. Second, with the current set up I now have two lines showing...
  5. Steris56


    got this error when trying to make a post the post went though after i went back and redid it Warning: mysqli_query(): (HY000/2006): MySQL server has gone away in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 1393 Database error The DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods &...
  6. A

    Theme not Working Properly

    Hello, I am using Xenforo 1.2.2 and i bought the dragonbyte MMO theme for it. I put it on and there are a few errors on the skin that make it look messed up. xenforo says "There are templates that may be outdated. Click here to review them." Everything is fine when just using the defualt skin...
  7. S

    Legacy Fix BBCode in Short Description?

    Hi, Is it possible to fix the short description from showing BB code? for example: Optibox EVO E3 Enigma2 Images in the short description it shows: [U] We take out the hard part of setting up the image! by compiling the latest images &........
  8. C

    vbdownload pro + customizations

    Hi, It seems you're doing quality mods here, so first thanks for your work. :-) I am interested in vBDownloads PRO, but there are some extra features I need, keep in mind that the point is me wanting a more community friendly mod, what comes in mind right now **PRIVATE MESSAGE ME FOR THE LIST...
  9. O

    Legacy Post Quote Notifications instead of PMs

    Since a lot of people are quoted, receiving post quotes alerts via PM just makes their inbox fill up quickly. I think it would be a good idea to make them notifications instead of PMs.
  10. S

    Question VBSlider Number license imput problem

    Hi I have pourchased today a VbSlider licence I have complete all the forms before download it. I have upload an re installed xms product I put in the form : "Branding Free Key If you have purchased a Branding Free licence, you may enter the key found in its Readme file here." my license...
  11. cubs

    Welcome Mod

    Is there a mod where when a new member joins it welocmes them in a forum you specify
  12. P

    Bug Donate more points then you have

    I found a serious problem, i put in option that a user cant go negative whit credits. I tried few options delay frequency but nothing helped here is the problem. If you donate to someone credits and click fast submit more times your currency will go in - For example i have 300 points and send...
  13. P

    Question Some help

    hi need again some help :) http://www.dodaj.rs/f/29/jF/4Bk9wWgL/shoutbox.jpg 1) i want that the typing window is like in dragonbyte forum and that when someone write stuffs that the txt goes down not up :) 2)when i create a room and write a name it adds some weird characters like ime%3f it...
  14. Nirjonadda

    Bug Actions Hottest Threads / Posts

    Actions Hottest Threads / Posts are thread title missing and page load take to long time,please can you fix update on this issue?
  15. Tom McIntyre

    vBoptimize features for versions (pro)

    How do I find out the features/bug fixes differences between versions of your products? I am using vBoptimize v2.3.0 and the latest version is 2.6.0b1. What are the differences? Is there a table here somewhere that lists the versions of all the products with a least a short note on why the new...
  16. Aljuve

    Question Can i use Dragonbyte Gallery in my forum 3.8.7 ?

    hi I am currently using version 3.8.7 on my forum , Can i use Dragonbyte Gallery on my 3.8.7 forum or not ? Thanks !
  17. J

    Question auto usergroup

    I have a question. we have a gaming community and I'm wondering if there is a way for the mod to place a new member in a selected usergroup by determining which question they answer in the registration form. example questions: Xbox user name: test Playstation user name: (blank) I would want...
  18. Davagator

    Question Game, like button

    Maybe not a Dragonbyte issue but when I enable to the Facebook Like Button - Games... the Like button shows up as "error" and something about "The parameter href is required" Any idea where I can fix/change this? Thanks!
  19. Kirk93

    Editing footer?

    Hey guys/gals, I was just wondering, am I allowed to edit the footer on my site so that it still displays the links to your products, but is formatted/written differently? At the moment I have; I was more hoping to have something like; Each individual modification title will be linked...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Question vBShop Gift Icon

    Where i can download vBShop Gift Icon/Item Management Images? How to download this one: vBShop Gift Icon Pack: DBTech - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons