
  1. Starbucks

    Question Any update?

    Hi there, When you introduced this addon I was very excited about it! There were quite a lot of suggestions made in the XenForo Thread and I wanted to know if there’s any update on that or new features? There are some requested features that would made me instantly buy it, that’s why I’m...
  2. braun77

    Question Info E-Commerce

    Hello, I'm looking for an online shop for my non-profit association, we would like to implement our xenforo with ppunto a shop to sell our products) t-shirts, polo shirts, hats etc ...) I would like to ask you if they are possible: 1) Italian translation (I have problems with English, I am...
  3. Bastty

    Stupid question

    If I will get eCommerce add-on for life, will you guys provide update for it when xF new platform will be release? I mean xF 2.2.
  4. F

    Bug [E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR] Object of class Closure could not be converted to string

    Hi i've just tried to update the version of the DrangonByte security addon and im getting the following error. When I disable the add-on the error goes away. Please can you fix it ? An exception occurred: [ErrorException] [E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR] Object of class Closure could not be converted to...
  5. M

    Bug Optimize never updates the Memcached cache

    Hello We have a bug on our XenForo 1.5 forum using DragonByte Optimize. It worked fine for multiple years but we recently changed our infrastructure and since then, we have an issue with cache invalidation. The data is written in our Memcached server, but it is never deleted or re-written. If...
  6. Nulumia

    Is DbSEO coming to Xenforo 2?

    I did some searching around and couldn't find a mention about this, so sorry if I missed it. I would absolutely love something like DBTech vBSEO for Xenforo 2. Just wondering if this is in the works!
  7. Bastty

    What`s the name of...

    ... this addon ... and if we can buy it for Xenforo 2
  8. EasyEasy

    Question Sportsbook & Credits table in sidebar

    Few questions here guys and if you could take time to answer them it would be much appreciated. I am moving over the Xenforo. I have had vBCredits pro installed on my site although my license for crdits has expired Do I get the discounted price even though im switching to another forum...
  9. K

    Xenforo DragonByte MMO Skin

    Hello, I want to purchase the DragonByte MMO Skin for Xenforo however the version is a little dated. Does this skin work for 1.5.11? or is it likely to be upgraded? Likewise will it work across my forum including on addons such as XenPorta 2?
  10. S

    Does the Dragonbyte MMO skin support latest version of Xenforo?

    Hi, I was browsing for some good looking Xenforo MMO themes, and found it here. I was wondering if this skin supports the latest version of Xenforo? The latest is currently 1.5.14. What version does the skin support up to otherwise? Thanks, I look forward to a response!
  11. O

    Question Differences between sessions

    Sorry for my question, but reviewing my cache variables, i want to know why i have to kind of sessions cached. The prefix that i set to the add-on is xfopt_ and for xenforo are xf_ I see two kind of session, the xf_session of xenforo with the pertinent content, and other of the optimize plugin...
  12. bzcomputers

    Downloads for Xenforo 2.0?

    Looking to make the transition to XenForo 2.0 (when stable) from vB4. I believe a stable version is probably still at least 2-4 months out, but they do seem to move fast over there from what I've read. Currently using vBDownloads Pro and would be interested in seeing this product or at least...
  13. F

    Advanced Thanks / Like for XenForo

    There seems to be sustained interest amongst your customers for a port of the Advanced Thanks / Like mod over to XenForo (for example this old thread https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f10/advanced-like-thank-compatibility-xenforo-5216/). Can I ask if there are any plans to do this this year...
  14. masterdex

    User Control Panel for xenforo

    Hello, Excuse me for disturbing you. I would like to know if it would be possible to transform a vbulletin add-ons and xenforo add-ons This add-ons is: DBTech - Info Panels Thank you in advance for your answer, here is what I would like to have roughly:
  15. cionfs

    DBSeo for XenForo

    Hi, I'm considering switching from vBulletin 4 to XenForo. Have you been considering for a release of DBSeo for XenForo? Regards
  16. B


    Just want to ask if you have plan to make arcade for xenforo? If yes ...when you should make arcade mod? regards bosss
  17. Augustus

    vBulletin 4.2.2 > XenForo X.X, Credits/Shop Comparisons and Questions

    Hello again. As you already know, we have lifetime licenses for vBShop and vBCredits II Deluxe for vBulletin 4. I've written in to you in the past to request assistance or suggest changes for the products that we use. Mostly, we've been told in response that our requests aren't possible, which...
  18. Sarab

    Moving to Xenforo

    Hello, I'm about to move to Xenforo, so I have some questions: 1. when moving to Xenforo, do my Dragonbytes mods data move to Xenforo version of them? 2. Do you have offers for the mods I have in vBulletin and want to buy the Xenforo version of them? 3. Why when I try to buy anything new the...
  19. Fillip H.

    New FREE XenForo Product: Easy Registration!

    Hey all, DragonByte Technologies is proud to present our next modern XenForo modification; Easy Registration v1.0.0! Make the registration process for your XenForo forum easier and faster, by redesigning the Login Bar and removing unneeded form elements from the registration form. Uses...
  20. N

    Question Moving to XenForo - Rewrite rules to carry over

    Hello all :) Has anyone had any experience using DBSEO on their vBulletin forums but then migrating over to XenForo? We're looking to do this with a relatively middle sized board; and while we are all ok with the data imports, theming etc; we are quite concerned about SEO etc. Has anyone does...