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I am not sure what is going on but tried the Activity with several themes and in the user activity under user profile Activity TAB the color for Activity Information is #F1F1F1 which isn't part of the theme at all! I haven't said anything before but seems its not been matching the theme for a several vbulletin builds up to the latest 4.1.7

Also too is why haven't you made any new icon packs? I would like as a customer to not keep paying for newer versions that look like plain and ordinary upgrades to me to be able to easily customize my current version of your product! I think you should stop making newer products and focus on the addon packs or simple customizing like to be as simple as switching themes! Same with the RPG one as I have no intentions on creating my own Monsters I think it was a waste of money had no idea I had to create everything from scratch why not dig up the old D&D Forums RPG that was amazing back in the day was released for free as a full and complete functional RPG mod for PHPBB! Please either get someone to help you guys pay them with some of the money I paid for these addons to make you some custom art work and a full fledged RPG mod with all the monsters or be willing to give me a refund! I think your work is great but seriously I think this is not helping me or my community one bit as I am way to busy to play around adding stuff to stuff I added which is why I come here in the first place!


P.S. I am just a bit uptight! :)
vBActivity doesnt define any custom colours in the css or templates, can you point out where on a default unmodified skin this happens?

Ill let Cosmic answer the other half, except to say that we did recently release a free icon pack with both lite and pro versions of vbaa :)
I am not sure what is going on but tried the Activity with several themes and in the user activity under user profile Activity TAB the color for Activity Information is #F1F1F1 which isn't part of the theme at all! I haven't said anything before but seems its not been matching the theme for a several vbulletin builds up to the latest 4.1.7

Also too is why haven't you made any new icon packs? I would like as a customer to not keep paying for newer versions that look like plain and ordinary upgrades to me to be able to easily customize my current version of your product! I think you should stop making newer products and focus on the addon packs or simple customizing like to be as simple as switching themes! Same with the RPG one as I have no intentions on creating my own Monsters I think it was a waste of money had no idea I had to create everything from scratch why not dig up the old D&D Forums RPG that was amazing back in the day was released for free as a full and complete functional RPG mod for PHPBB! Please either get someone to help you guys pay them with some of the money I paid for these addons to make you some custom art work and a full fledged RPG mod with all the monsters or be willing to give me a refund! I think your work is great but seriously I think this is not helping me or my community one bit as I am way to busy to play around adding stuff to stuff I added which is why I come here in the first place!


P.S. I am just a bit uptight! :)

I'll try to cover your points one at a time:

1)Also too is why haven't you made any new icon packs?

We actually just released a large icon pack of exclusive icons for vBAA about 2 weeks ago - you'll find it in the package when you download it =)

2)I would like as a customer to not keep paying for newer versions that look like plain and ordinary upgrades to me to be able to easily customize my current version of your product!

Each upgrade adds new features to the product - but no one is forcing you to pay to upgrade. You can continue to use the version you paid for as long as you wish. Regarding easily customizing the current version - we do what we can to allow for customization (including not encrypting our files). Making every product all things to all people is impossible, and we receive regular feedback from customers that say they want more stuff included rather than more freedom to make their own stuff. In fact you bring up the same point later in your post regarding Forumon =). It really is a one or the other trade-off as we don't have infinite time.

3) I think you should stop making newer products and focus on the addon packs or simple customizing like to be as simple as switching themes!
While we would love it if we could just spend all of our time updating products, that's simply not economically viable. That being said all of our coders still spend significantly more time upgrading mods than creating new mods. None of the coders are artists, so having them focus on existing products wouldn't change the number of icon packs etc. We do not release feature addon packs as we prefer to improve the base product with them instead. Lastly what some people consider as simple or essential, other people might not. In general we try to go with adding features that the most people possible will get use out of.

4)Same with the RPG one as I have no intentions on creating my own Monsters I think it was a waste of money had no idea I had to create everything from scratch why not dig up the old D&D Forums RPG that was amazing back in the day was released for free as a full and complete functional RPG mod for PHPBB! Please either get someone to help you guys pay them with some of the money I paid for these addons to make you some custom art work and a full fledged RPG mod with all the monsters or be willing to give me a refund!

Not sure what you mean here, Forumon comes with extensive custom artwork already and doesn't require you to add any of your own artwork. We even have an additional pack of monster images for it that can be purchased. You don't need to add any of your own monster artwork to Forumon.

5)I think your work is great but seriously I think this is not helping me or my community one bit as I am way to busy to play around adding stuff to stuff I added which is why I come here in the first place

Most people are the same which is why we now try to focus on features more people can use, rather than making things super customizable like you mentioned at the start of your post =P. As you can see from your own post, it's almost impossible for us to strike a balance between the two. You yourself ask for more customization options in one mod, and then ask for us to give you features that don't require you to customize the mod in a different mod. As i said we generally need to make a decision one way or another on the mods as both approaches take time, and time is limited.

P.S. I am just a bit uptight!

No problem, hope the answers helped explain why we take the approaches we do etc =)

Thanks for the reply's but the matter is giving customers total control over customization is absolutely fine but as it is I would like the option where you guys release a well refined completed version so we can either use it or modify it more or less an example to start off with... Like for instance the Activity mod with just the light bulbs looks boring even though I can sit there switch out the icons as I had in early versions was ok but would have liked there to be a theme to switch too and maybe you guys could release theme packs where people might host a site catered to video games, movies, football, military and so on... There would just be a menu where people can choose that particular theme and all the activity icons would switch to that theme... I know you guys are not artists but would think it would help sales a bit more if it was even more simple to customize...

The forums RPG issues with me is I would have loved if you guys released it as good to go without having to do anything other them installing it with of course the option to modify it...

Anyways I guess I have to make do with what I purchased....

As for the profile page I'll go through and disable a few mods to see which one if causing the Activity mod to go off color it's just that particular part is all that is wrong with the profile view page...

Once again thanks for the replies and as it is I just wanted to give you guys some feedback and I do like what your doing here...

---------- Post added at 08:18 ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 ----------

I decided to reload the Activity using the 3.00 beta and when I re-ran the activity points re-calculator I recived a database issue

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.7:

Invalid SQL:

			SELECT *  , thread.forumid
			FROM reputation AS reputation
			 LEFT JOIN post AS post USING(postid)
								LEFT JOIN thread AS thread USING(threadid)
			WHERE 1=1 
				 AND dateline >= 805435200 AND whoadded = 1;

MySQL Error   : Column 'dateline' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number  : 1052
Request Date  : Monday, November 14th 2011 @ 02:02:06 PM
Error Date    : Monday, November 14th 2011 @ 02:02:57 PM
Script        :
Referrer      :
IP Address    :
Username      : CoZmicShReddeR
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.51-community

I searched the forums here didn't see anyone having the exact issue... It prevented the Achievements from updating... Should I reload the latest stable release and re-calculate or is there an easy fix?

For the future, could you please post separate threads for separate issues? Not only does it make my job easier, but it also ensures quicker response times for your issues (assuming I'm at the computer). Thanks :)

I've added a hotfix to the Pro version in preparation for Gold :)
Ok will keep to the topic with anything new will start a new thread but that would not have happened if I wasn't trying to fix my theme colors with Activity list in user profile...

Fillip H., was this hotfix recently added or is my database missing something or should something be removed? I re-tried everything nothing worked still got the same error.. Should I re-install the 2.1.9 or was or is the hotfix in 3.0.0?

And I still cannot seem to find what is causing the profile view to go off color with the Activity list is there anything you have found from other customers? Is it replying on the theme to color it or is there a css format for it that I can change?
View Profile: CoZmicShReddeR - The Hybrid Gamers Zone
Fillip H., was this hotfix recently added or is my database missing something or should something be removed? I re-tried everything nothing worked still got the same error.. Should I re-install the 2.1.9 or was or is the hotfix in 3.0.0?
The hotfix was added to the 3.0.0 files, it's just a file change, nothing changed in the database :)

And I still cannot seem to find what is causing the profile view to go off color with the Activity list is there anything you have found from other customers? Is it replying on the theme to color it or is there a css format for it that I can change?
View Profile: CoZmicShReddeR - The Hybrid Gamers Zone
Change the Background Color of the profile_sidebar_background StyleVar :)
Thanks that edit fixed the theme issue with Activity but couldn't the Activity mod take care of editing that rather then doing it manually or is that being added to the next update?

I am still getting those database errors when trying to do Recalculate Points is it my vBulletin or is it the beta version of Activity? Should I revert to the pre Beta version or hold out for the next update??

The problem here is the skin coder, the sidebar code we use is stock vB code that hasn't changed since vB 4.0 came out, and the stylevar I asked you to edit is still used by vB 4.1.8. The issue is that your skin developer opted for removing the CSS for the sidebar and "simplify" it rather than editing the stylevar (as you can see by the missing gradient, I guess they felt the grey didn't look good and they didn't know how to make gradients or couldn't be bothered) :)

Please post the full error message as I suspect the error contents has changed.
Errors when trying to recalculate:

Recalculating points...

Processing: 1
	Database error
The The Hybrid Gamers Zone database has encountered a problem.
Please try the following:
Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
Open the home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back button to try another link.
The forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.8:

Invalid SQL:

			SELECT *  , thread.forumid
			FROM infraction AS infraction
			 LEFT JOIN post AS post USING(postid)
								LEFT JOIN thread AS thread ON(thread.threadid = post.threadid)
			WHERE 1=1 
				 AND dateline >= 789800400 AND whoadded = 1;

MySQL Error   : Column 'dateline' in where clause is ambiguous
Error Number  : 1052
Request Date  : Tuesday, November 15th 2011 @ 03:15:43 AM
Error Date    : Tuesday, November 15th 2011 @ 03:16:44 AM
Script        :
Referrer      :
IP Address    :
Username      : CoZmicShReddeR
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.51-community

There, moar fixes uploaded, same procedure as last time :)

If you still receive errors, try also re-downloading the latest version of APTL, and re-save any custom buttons you have created beyond Thanks, Like and Dislike (just edit and save, no actual changes needed) :)
Errors after complete re-updates of everything:
Recalculating points...

Processing: 1
	Database error
The The Hybrid Gamers Zone database has encountered a problem.
Please try the following:
Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
Open the home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back button to try another link.
The forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.8:

Invalid SQL:

			SELECT * 
			FROM discussion AS discussion
			 LEFT JOIN groupmessage AS gm ON(gm.gmid = discussion.firstpostid)
			WHERE 1=1 
				 AND discussion.dateline >= 789800400 AND postuserid = 1;

MySQL Error   : Unknown column 'discussion.dateline' in 'where clause'
Error Number  : 1054
Request Date  : Tuesday, November 15th 2011 @ 11:04:43 AM
Error Date    : Tuesday, November 15th 2011 @ 11:05:40 AM
Script        :
Referrer      :
IP Address    :
Username      : CoZmicShReddeR
Classname     : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.51-community


Last edited:
I think at this point it'd be easier if I had FTP and AdminCP on your site so I could take care of it on your site :p At the moment I'm flying blind, and asking you to dload and reupload every 5 minutes for the rest of the day is getting rather silly, wouldn't you say ;)
I wasn't sure what we were doing thought the Activity only drew info from specific things and ignored the rest... I'll set you up access will attempt to do it on my WP7 remote desktop client then send you the login information via PM here... It's like 12:00 noon here will probably have it up and running within the next hour in half...

Ironically, the latest one you posted was also the last :p

It's all good now, I'm running through it :)
I am not sure what is going on but tried the Activity with several themes and in the user activity under user profile Activity TAB the color for Activity Information is #F1F1F1 which isn't part of the theme at all! I haven't said anything before but seems its not been matching the theme for a several vbulletin builds up to the latest 4.1.7

Also too is why haven't you made any new icon packs? I would like as a customer to not keep paying for newer versions that look like plain and ordinary upgrades to me to be able to easily customize my current version of your product! I think you should stop making newer products and focus on the addon packs or simple customizing like to be as simple as switching themes! Same with the RPG one as I have no intentions on creating my own Monsters I think it was a waste of money had no idea I had to create everything from scratch why not dig up the old D&D Forums RPG that was amazing back in the day was released for free as a full and complete functional RPG mod for PHPBB! Please either get someone to help you guys pay them with some of the money I paid for these addons to make you some custom art work and a full fledged RPG mod with all the monsters or be willing to give me a refund! I think your work is great but seriously I think this is not helping me or my community one bit as I am way to busy to play around adding stuff to stuff I added which is why I come here in the first place!


P.S. I am just a bit uptight! :)

I create custom made icon packs for a small fee, i used to make the icons you see on DB-Tech, although we couldn't release them for sale since we didn't know whether we could sell them legally due to some of the images being taken from google and not made from scratch, however if you want some of the packs you see on DB-Tech i have all the icon packs available for sale to whoever needs them.
Ironically, the latest one you posted was also the last :p

It's all good now, I'm running through it :)
Ah good thanks!

And Neo If it over wrights the original achievements that's fine but I really do not want to go and assign them all I could then easily make up my own icons because I would already be taking my own time to assign them why not just make them... :)
If your using the import thing used that came with the DBtech images i'm sure they will just replace them, but you'd have to have a specific pack. otherwise you'd need to either re-name or re-assign them to the achievements you've made/edit existing achievements. However if you want me to hop over to your site and add the achievements manually i dont mind, save you doing it. Send me an E-mail if your interested you could even drop me a list of achievements you need and what sort of images or whatever you'd like for each. for example:

Achievement for:
1 post
10 posts
50 posts

1 tag


then let me know any specific images you'd like included in the achievements (if you want each achievement to be totally different i can do that to) and i'll give you a rough price estimate. but its entitrely up to you, if you wish to make you own (if its easier for yourself) then i wont question that :) i may release some freebies like templates or something so people can make their own, the best achievement sizes i've found ar 28x28 or 30x30.
feel free to look at my sites achievements and see which design you like Demons Souls [Ps3] <- example of my achievements. maybe you have your own design idea's i'm open to suggestions and things since you'll be the one that calls the shots.
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