Bug Adv. Registration not working

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upon new invitee confirming registration and filling out account info the submit account turns out to a blank page

Not certain as to when this happened as it has been a while since the registration application has been used. However there was a vb upgrade done a short time ago ...could that be the issue???? not saying it is but i did d/l all upgrades of applications before the vb upgrade

help please im lost in fixing this issue

thanks in advance

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a blank white page doesnt tell me what the issue is. Do you see anything in your error log? can you reproduce the problem yourself?
was not able to find anything about this in error log... i even had my server/host check logs and they too came up empty handed..... could be as we are not certain of what to look for ( feeling stupid about that ops ) and yes i was able to create the same issue.... sent myself an invite as new member.... got the email confirmation ...filled out the form to create new account and when i click submit the screen goes to a blank white page and new account is not created
Interesting, could be a server issue with mod se rules. ask your host if any 501 errors with your ip address are logged. i will see if i can replicate the issue. do you have any other mods that alter registration?
i sent you a pm with the only log that was host was able to provide me with ..... no the only thing i have and have always done is turned off registration to the site via acp. finding this odd as until vb 4.2.3 upgrade i do believe all was working fine.

sending note to my host as we speak i will get back to you and send another pm if there are 501 errors
here is the reply i get from host

thanks for your update. I have checked the mod security logs for you. There is no hits for your IP
This is the message i got from host 1/2 hour ago
We are trying to figure out what is wrong... hate to keep bothering you.....


thanks for your patience. I was able to reproduce the issue. I checked the server logs while testing and found no issues on the server itself. This issue is with the plugin.

I will check what Fillip H. has posted and let you know thanks for all the help
i just had a light bulb go off...will Spam hammer affect this app??? reason i ask is that the report kicked me a message that the email was caught in spam hammer and stopped registration.... me thinks i found the issue...im guessing
Ok i found the conflict after a few days of trial and error disabled spam hammer and the registration app now gets

c/p error

[TD="width: 58"][/TD]
[TD="class: usf, width: 100%"]
[h=2]The following errors occurred during your registration[/h]
  • A required field called Disable Profile Hover is missing or has an invalid value.


i found this solution in my search for a fix

registration error: The following errors occurred during your registration - vBulletin Community Forum

however this is not the option i want

So here is my question to you.... IF I purchase the PRO version of profile hover will this eliminate the error now showing??? keeping in mind that my disabling the spam hammer solved my first issue ( which between you and me and the door post i think it did JMO)

Not trying to be a pain in the butt here honest .... have owned these apps now for a few years had no trouble till an upgrade of vb not long ago now this and honestly its me getting frustrated careless (maybe) as i am so used to your apps working with no issues and this one has taken me days to figure out.

I KNOW your product and have ALWAYS counted on things working heck got used to things functioning properly from the get go.... I always start off with the lite versions...errors occur and i find myself purchasing pro versions to solve issues and i would say 90% of the time it does.... got my fingers crossed that this purchase will also be my saving grace.

I state this as all of us at site level like this app... and being mainly based on VIP membership it is them that speak highly of your apps so i follow their requests to suite their preferences.

At your mercy and seeking your expertise

Go to the Profile Fields manager in the ACP and set the "Disable Profile Hover" field to no longer be required.
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Legacy Advanced Registration

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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