Am I able to do it?

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Old Jan

New member
Hi Guys,

I'm in my 70s and this is a hobby, but I would like it to have a little success and have someone comeback and post.
I'm not expecting this to happen overnight and I have all the time in the world to continue building.

Three question please as I haven't a clue about any of this, if took me ages just to get VB worked out.

What do you mean by 'duplicate content', is that like duplicate posts ?

Why 'Friendly URLs'. I don't look at the URL of any sites I visit, so what does it matter if they are friendly or not ?

Can I do this by myself, is it just a case of FTP it up to my site or what ?
What do you mean by 'duplicate content', is that like duplicate posts ?
In this case, "duplicate content" refers to the notion of two separate URLs displaying the same content, which search engines frown upon.

Why 'Friendly URLs'. I don't look at the URL of any sites I visit, so what does it matter if they are friendly or not ?
Search engines have an easier time browsing your site if the URLs look like static URLs (e.g. not showthread.php?t=x), and users get a better idea of what the content is about if the title of the content is in the URL as well.

Can I do this by myself, is it just a case of FTP it up to my site or what ?
It is pretty much a case of FTP, there's installation instructions with all our modifications, and we also offer a "Professional Installation" service add-on to all our products if you'd rather we install it for you :)
Thank you so much for your reply and enlightening me.

Just one more question, will I have to submit my forum to search engines or will that be taken care of ?
If you turn on the sitemap generator in DBSEO, it'll automatically submit to the search engines you choose :)

You can also manually submit the sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools in order to track progress :)
You're going to think me a pita. Sorry.

I go here DragonByte SEO and click on the checkout, but what if after looking at it, I need your help to install ?
Ok, I've clicked where it looks like I should and made the paypal payment but haven't got a clue now. Sorry but I have to say, this must be the most user unfriendly site I've been on, it's a mess everywhere.

So now what happens, where do I download ?
I'm sorry, but I think I am going to have to scrub around this, I haven't a clue what you are on about and why you keep asking me to fill in the same information all time. I've done it twice and now it's asking for the site details again.

If I can't manage this, there is no way I will be able to understand the software.

Will start a ticket.
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