Amazon SES has reputation levels which you need to stay under or have your account suspended. There is one reputation metric for bounces and one for complaints. See:
Please consider to implement support for SES sender reputation. With one or more of the following features:
Monitoring your Amazon SES sender reputation - Amazon Simple Email Service
Monitor your sending activity by tracking your bounce and complaint rates.
Using reputation metrics to track bounce and complaint rates - Amazon Simple Email Service
The reputation metrics console page contains the same information that the Amazon SES team sees when determining the health of individual accounts.
Reputation metrics messages - Amazon Simple Email Service
Additional information about messages that users might encounter when using the Amazon SES Reputation metrics console page.
Creating reputation monitoring alarms using CloudWatch - Amazon Simple Email Service
Procedures for creating an alarm in CloudWatch that notifies you when your account's reputation metrics reach certain levels.
Automatically pausing email sending - Amazon Simple Email Service
Includes information about protecting your sender reputation by automatically pausing Amazon SES email sending when reputation metrics exceed certain thresholds.
Please consider to implement support for SES sender reputation. With one or more of the following features:
- Display admin alert and admincp message if sender reputation is in danger. (alarm)
- Reduce email sending if sender reputation is in danger. Suspend sending of non-critical emails (activity summary, newsletters, etc) and only send critical email that users directly request, like registration activation and email confirmation. It may be useful to be able to set which mailings are critical or not.
- Increase email sending if sender reputation has plenty of positive reputation. i.e. option to send Activity Summary mail to members who have been inactive for within the set number of days but active within a year before that. Maximize the number of emails sent to inactive users based upon the room that the SES reputation leaves, so that there is no chance of going near the dangerous levels.
The benefit of sending to inactive members that this way we can slowly have our total memberbase mailed, bit by bit.