
I wonder if you guys have or could make a firewall product, i wonder if vbsecurity make this job or not, otherwise it would be nice if you can release a kind of firewall for forums protection :)
There isn't really any way to protect against DDOS - DDOS is distributed denial of service, basically it's lots of connections accessing your site to overload it. A firewall or security measure that stops DDOS would also stop people visiting your site.
best to get something from your host When I ran a game server if anyone tried it to me it went to a dummy box and not to my real one so many tried to bring my server down but never could made me laugh so much
best to get something from your host When I ran a game server if anyone tried it to me it went to a dummy box and not to my real one so many tried to bring my server down but never could made me laugh so much

How you do that man? what is the name of this system or the product?
it was from the hosting company most big ones have this system ask your hosting company if they have it
This was years ago and it was a friend who worked there so can't remember the name of the company just ask for a hardware based firewall. But the one they have might not be the same as the one I had if they do have it make sure you ask if you get ddosed does it go to a dummy box if they say yes then get it
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There are many ways to fight DDoS, not all good at it, but it is always server thing, not a web application. vBulletin is web application.

They could be hardware ones, but also they could be software ones. For example, litespeed, especially commercial versions are advertised as good DDoS defense. Didn't tried this. You also have apache's mod_evasive, but to be honest, I'm not thrilled with it's performance.
vbsecurity does a lot to make a ddos attack from happening ...i had an attack on my forum and how i stopped it was i saw my member count going up for the day and saw recurring ip which i banned and they never came back you just have to be aware i guess
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Yes, but banning IP address is always better to be done with firewall (to bypass webserver, i.e. Apache, as it is most common one). CSF have pretty nice interface if you have WHM/cPannel interface, i.e. if you have VPS or dedicated server. But all of this could be done with different tools and with APF.

On the other hand, if it was from one IP, than it is DoS, not DDoS. Main difference is that first D in DDoS is distributed. It means that someone is using more than one (or two or three) computers, i.e. IPs.