I have both memcached and xcache installed. Can you use both memcached and xcached? If yes than how to Edit the configuration file for config.php?
Currently i am using xcache with vB Optimise, now how to use for config.php in memcached?
I would suspect the settings in config.php would look like:
Is the vB Optimise still is in Beta Stage ?
Currently i am using xcache with vB Optimise, now how to use for config.php in memcached?
I would suspect the settings in config.php would look like:
//$config['Datastore']['class'] = 'vB_Datastore_XCache';
$i = 0;
// First Server
$config['Misc']['memcacheserver'][$i] = '';
$config['Misc']['memcacheport'][$i] = 11211;
$config['Misc']['memcachepersistent'][$i] = true;
$config['Misc']['memcacheweight'][$i] = 1;
$config['Misc']['memcachetimeout'][$i] = 1;
$config['Misc']['memcacheretry_interval'][$i] = 15;
Is the vB Optimise still is in Beta Stage ?