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After upgrading to the latest version the css style sheets are not being returned with the proper url.

<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css" id="vbulletin_css">
* vBulletin 3.8.8 Beta 2 CSS
* Style: 'LSA 2014'; Style ID: 69
@import url(");
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /><style>

This is what is being returned for the stylesheet on all 9 styles currently in use. When I select the option to store CSS stylesheets as files, then perform a sync with the cdn, the sync does not detect the changes and does not sync the stylesheets. I tried with template/style caching turned on and off in VB Optimise but the style sheets are never uploaded/synced with the CDN.
I've never heard of that CDN before, what kind is it? Origin Pull?

Does it have a free trial, or is there any way you can create a new subfolder and give access information to me for testing?
Are you thinking this is an issue with the CDN?

I don't currently have stylesheets stored as files. If I switch to stylesheets stored as files and resync the CDN, no changes are detected by VB Optimise's CDN integration. Not only that but the stylesheets aren't loaded at all, even if I completely disable the CDN and disable style/template caching in VB Optimise.

No matter what options or configurations I choose, if I store stylesheets as files, vbulletin_important.css?v=388b2 is always the stylesheet used for each style.
We've received no reports of this issue appearing with other CDNs, so it's possible.
I completely deleted the CDN integration and recreated it. Shouldn't the css style sheets have been included in the Sync? They weren't.
Turns out this was not a problem with VB Optimise, it was a problem with Vbulletin and the server cluster. Once the style sheets were rebuilt as files I had to manually copy them to all of the servers in the cluster, then sync with the CDN. You can close this.
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