When you create a thread, high chances are that you use BBCodes, and if you do so while using also the CHARGE bbcode, unexpected results happen, such as a text showing "-=Stripped Content=-".
I already reported this on Xenforo on June 18th, and since almost a month passed, I'm trying to report it here once again, hopefully it'll be fixed for the benefits of everyone.
Steps to replicate:
1) Create a new thread.
2) Use some BBCodes mixed with the charge bbcode in the thread such as
3) After posting the thread, it'll look like this:
Here's how to do it:
-=Stripped Content=-
Enjoy it!
Major issues caused by this bug:
Of course it'll be impossible for users to unlock the content by paying DB Credits as they won't see any buttons. I don't think the CHARGE bbcode should react this way if it's near some other bbcodes, as no other bbcodes do have such problem while using other bbcodes.
When you create a thread, high chances are that you use BBCodes, and if you do so while using also the CHARGE bbcode, unexpected results happen, such as a text showing "-=Stripped Content=-".
I already reported this on Xenforo on June 18th, and since almost a month passed, I'm trying to report it here once again, hopefully it'll be fixed for the benefits of everyone.
Steps to replicate:
1) Create a new thread.
2) Use some BBCodes mixed with the charge bbcode in the thread such as
[color=red][b]Here's how to do it:[charge=200] bla bla bla [/charge]
Enjoy it![/b][/color]
3) After posting the thread, it'll look like this:
Here's how to do it:
-=Stripped Content=-
Enjoy it!
Major issues caused by this bug:
Of course it'll be impossible for users to unlock the content by paying DB Credits as they won't see any buttons. I don't think the CHARGE bbcode should react this way if it's near some other bbcodes, as no other bbcodes do have such problem while using other bbcodes.