Bug [CHARGE] BBCode malfunctioning

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When you create a thread, high chances are that you use BBCodes, and if you do so while using also the CHARGE bbcode, unexpected results happen, such as a text showing "-=Stripped Content=-".
I already reported this on Xenforo on June 18th, and since almost a month passed, I'm trying to report it here once again, hopefully it'll be fixed for the benefits of everyone.

Steps to replicate:

1) Create a new thread.

2) Use some BBCodes mixed with the charge bbcode in the thread such as
[color=red][b]Here's how to do it:[charge=200] bla bla bla [/charge] 
Enjoy it![/b][/color]

3) After posting the thread, it'll look like this:
Here's how to do it:
-=Stripped Content=-
Enjoy it!

Major issues caused by this bug:

Of course it'll be impossible for users to unlock the content by paying DB Credits as they won't see any buttons. I don't think the CHARGE bbcode should react this way if it's near some other bbcodes, as no other bbcodes do have such problem while using other bbcodes.
Currently it is intended for this BBCode to not work inside other BBCode. Unfortunately it is not currently possible, based on my knowledge and belief of how the XF2 BBCode renderer works, to "whitelist" this BBCode inside certain other BBCode.

When I get to this stage of the re-engineering process as mentioned in the other thread, I will look into whether anything can be improved in this regard.
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