Bug Counts not updating

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I've been having some trouble with multiple currency integration on my site. I downloaded the program from vBulletin.org, so I'm not sure I have the most updated lite version.

I am trying to use two currencies. I dubbed them AP & GP. I disabled all activity/post related functions, leaving the only way to receive the currencies as from the admin. To do so, I created an adjust feature for both currencies. Permissions look solid. I modified postbit legacy to move the positioning of the currencies, but I did not alter the underlying code. Initial testing worked fine. I was able to add both currencies to a user by clicking the currency on the postbit legacy without issue using Chrome. Now, three days later with no changes made, the feature is no longer working. The popup box will appear and confirm submission for most user names; however, when checking the transaction log, there is nothing there. The postbit counts do not update either. I've waited 2 hours to ensure there is simply no server delay. I'm also getting username unspecified when trying to add currency to users with spaces in their names.

For the record, this is a new database on my site. Our original site (located at Althanas) uses just one currency, and I've had no errors.
Since I have a smaller site, I just switched to "process transactions in real time", and it seemed (at least initially) to resolve my issue.

However, I am still getting the invalid user error for names that have spaces.
Interestingly, the older site is running vBcredits 4.1.1pl1. The new site is running vBcredits 4.1.0. I've only ever downloaded the lite versions of the site from vBulleting.org. Did you recently stop making vBcredits 4.1.1pl1 available from vBulletin.org? I ask because I noticed in your change log that you fixed some utc-8 bug with the 4.1 release. It is possible the fix was in the updated version I don't have?

I also checked language settings. Both are ISO-8859-1, so I'm not sure that's the issue.
Oh, I see now. I downloaded the v2.1.1pl2 demo from your site, not from vBulletin.

I assume installing that will fix the issue. Can you confirm?
There's no problem with downloading any Lite version from this site vs vBulletin.org :)
Hello Dirks,

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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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