It depends what you want to have.
If you want to use google maps you create, you could use BBcode:
Create new one, call it as you like it, choose BBcode Tag name you like (I choose mymap) and for replacement code use this:
<iframe width="100%" height="700" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="{param}&output=embed"></iframe>
For testing purposes you could you this sample: [mymap]218260206780692234584.0004a25443fee9d781f64&ll=45.597224,16.257019&spn=0.299316,0.699692&t=h&z=11[/mymap] It was from one my trip.
All BBcode options set to yes.
Anyway, just to inform you, this part:
src=" is important. It depends which google site you want to use, it will influence units. I use
src=" as I'm in Croatia and need kilometers, meters and such units.