Bug Credits Navbar tab not working

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So finally got round to updating to Credits 6.0.4 on XF2.3.4.

Noticing that the navbar tab does not seem to be applying. I've tried with default theme as well as my pixeledit theme.

I can add nav entries to the menus but the tab options are not present or I'm going blind.

I have tried all positions and template mods for Credits are all applying.
Noticing that the navbar tab does not seem to be applying. I've tried with default theme as well as my pixeledit theme.

I can add nav entries to the menus but the tab options are not present or I'm going blind.
Sorry I don’t know what this means, can you clarify please?


I recall used to show a little navbar icon with a link/total of your credits.

It doesn't seem to be rendering. Unless I am imagining things.
Have you tried on a default style with all other addons disabled? Another addon being overzealous with its template replacements can cause this.
Have you tried on a default style with all other addons disabled? Another addon being overzealous with its template replacements can cause this.

Default theme has same results and template mods are showing as all applied. Guess I can bump up your execution order to see if it helps.

I do have an old version of DB Shop installed but disabled, that wouldn't be interfering I hope?
I bumped up exec order to the right side template mod which I assume corresponds to after alerts tab to no avail. Even did an addon rebuild just in case.

Suggestions on a postcard :) I can grant you access to take a peek if you have a moment.
That’s likely the problem, as the element is expected to be under the root navigation element. Please move it back.

I moved it from forums to default and still doesn't show to the right of the nav bar. Actually don't know where it used to be to be honest.

Well, don't know at this point, it's not showing up in the top right of the navbar, likely me being slow/silly etc. Transactions is under root (no parent) - still no dice.
Could you please use the "Attach secure data" button to allow me access to your site so I can look into this further?

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DragonByte Credits

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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5.00 star(s) 5 ratings