Hello. My hosting provider told me from day 8, receives several error logs DBSEO.
He believes that there may be someone trying to exploit a vulnerability in dbseo.
For days get 2 or 4 errors per day of this type.
Attached log error:
He believes that there may be someone trying to exploit a vulnerability in dbseo.
For days get 2 or 4 errors per day of this type.
Attached log error:
Database error in 1210:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT userid
FROM user
WHERE username REGEXP "^(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*+L3D+(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*(&[\#\da-z]*;|[^a-z\d])*$"
MySQL Error : Got error 'repetition-operator operand invalid' from regexp
Error Number : 1139
Request Date : Wednesday, October 22nd 2014 @ 02:54:41 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, October 22nd 2014 @ 02:54:41 AM
Script : http://www.tradingunited.es/foro/tags.php?tag=depositos
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : N/A
Classname : DBSEO_Database
MySQL Version :