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I have database error,please can you give me update about on this issue?

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vbuser SET dbtech_vbactivity_promotioncount = dbtech_vbactivity_promotioncount + 1 WHERE userid = 34150;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dbtech_vbactivity_promotioncount' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, September 11th 2013 @ 09:06:38 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, September 11th 2013 @ 09:06:40 PM

Have any update how to fix database error ?
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There will be a Patch Level 1 version tonight that addresses this. Meanwhile, you can disable Promotion notifications from the vBulletin Options.
Promotion Move User to Usergroup Does not work. I have set to From Usergroup Registered Users To Usergroup Elite Leader But user still showing Registered Users, Does you fixed on this issue ?

vBActivity does not feature changing display groups at this time, this is not a bug.
What does vBActivity Promotion? vBActivity Promotion can do change Usergroup but with new update we does not get this work?


It will change the usergroup, but it will not update their display group. For that reason, they might still appear to have the username style of the old usergroup, if they are in another usergroup with the same username style.
Its does not work to change the usergroup. Its still showing old usergroup on Admin CP. Does not updated new usergroup.
It's clearly worked for multiple other users as per your screenshot.

I'm also unable to replicate any issues with it locally.

Can you please see if you can find any differences between the other users in the list and that one user?
Yes worked for multiple other users as per my screenshot ? But now it not working get with new Version of vBActivity. I think with the database error issue it stopped working?

Mystery Man User ID is 34150

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vbuser SET dbtech_vbactivity_promotioncount = dbtech_vbactivity_promotioncount + 1 WHERE userid = 34150;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dbtech_vbactivity_promotioncount' in 'field list'
Have you upgraded to the latest version of vBActivity? As I said I would, I released an update that fixed that issue. I also told you how to fix the issue on your site until such a time you had upgraded.
If you upgraded, the DB error will no longer show up, so please refund that member their points and have them try the purchase again.

If it still doesn't work, I will need the access information for that user so I can debug it on your site.
No Does not work add to usergroups, I have run Recalculate Promotions but does not get help. I have Promotion Criteria Posts >= 5000.

User name : Mystery Man : /member.php?u=34150

Please use login via VSa - Login To User Account , You have admin login details?
Since the user was already showing as having attained the reward, it would not attempt to re-add it. That's why the promotion didn't take when you hit re-calculate.

I've manually changed the usergroup for this user, if it happens again I'll re-examine it :)
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