Question Database Error

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Hi there,
I'm receiving some of these errors in the last times.
What I can do to fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

UPDATE vb4_datastore SET
data = data - 13,
data = IF(data < 0, 0, data)
WHERE title = 'mailqueue';

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Wednesday, March 25th 2015 @ 02:50:40 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 25th 2015 @ 02:51:46 PM
Script :
Referrer : Buongiorno
IP Address :
Username : Non Registrato
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
Yeah, there are a few tips on that page that either yourself or your host can adjust in the MySQL config file to resolve this issue :)
Sorry but I really don't understand it more.
It says that is a timeout problem,
and it's need to change some values in the db,
but they don't say what file to open and where it is
and what value to change and the what new values to use.
Them say that them cannot change the configuration of that file because that file have a standard configuration for all customers for security reasons.
Then your only choice is to switch to a better host, as this is not a problem with this mod nor is it anything we can resolve - it's purely on their end. The server your site is being hosted on is simply not configured in such a way to support your current usage needs.
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