DB Shop Purchases Bound By Maximum Earned Limit?

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A member reached his maximum earned limit and bought several items. The system didn't deduct the purchased amounts. Is it because Purchase is also treated as an event and bound by the maximum earned limit so it skipped that event?

We've noticed an event called DB Shop Purchase. under the Events settings.
Yeah, when DB Shop is integrated, the events are indeed used. I'll have to investigate what the best solution here is; either allow events to exclude themselves from the check, or ensure that deductions always go through.
Additional option on per event to be excluded from the maximum earned would be nice. There are times you would like to bypass maximum earned too for DB Donate events, lotteries, etc.
In v5.8.3 of DB Credits, I'm moving the Frequency / Maximum Applications / Currency Max Earned checks into separate blocks, which I can override to do nothing.

It will require an update to both Credits and Shop to be installed :)
Thank you for suggesting this feature, it has now been implemented. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future release (6.6.2).

Change log:
Change: DB Credits integrated events can no longer be blocked by frequency / maximum earned (requires DB Credits v5.8.3+)
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DragonByte Credits

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