Dear Sir/Madam,
I just purchased and installed the DBSEO version 1.2.7 and now I'm facing with two problem, my website got three database (1 master and two read only slaves):
1. When presistent URL option enable, DBSEO will try to insert into table dbseo_resolvedurl of the read only slave database instead of master leading my forum to throw out an error that cannot write to --read-only database.
here is the sql insert query from you url.php file:
2. When I rename the thread title, DBSEO won't rewrite the old thread title URL to the new one, I will make my forum have to same content URL with one is old thread title url and one is new thread title url. That caused alot of duplicate content to my site.
for example old url is :
now if I rename this thread title by replace snapdragon 800 with snapdragon 1000, DBSEO will made two URL that not redirect old to the new one with this two URL:
this problem was not happen with VBSEO that I used before.
Could you please take a look and make it fixed ?
P/S: I also notice and wonder will this query in file class_core.php cause the insert into my read-only slave mysql DB?
Best Regards.
I just purchased and installed the DBSEO version 1.2.7 and now I'm facing with two problem, my website got three database (1 master and two read only slaves):
1. When presistent URL option enable, DBSEO will try to insert into table dbseo_resolvedurl of the read only slave database instead of master leading my forum to throw out an error that cannot write to --read-only database.
here is the sql insert query from you url.php file:
INSERT INTO $dbtech_dbseo_resolvedurl
(forumurl, seourl, urldata, format)
\'' . DBSEO::$db->escapeString($successfulUrl) . '\',
\'' . DBSEO::$db->escapeString($url) . '\',
\'' . DBSEO::$db->escapeString(trim(serialize($urlMatch['info']))) . '\',
\'' . DBSEO::$db->escapeString($urlMatch['format']) . '\'
2. When I rename the thread title, DBSEO won't rewrite the old thread title URL to the new one, I will make my forum have to same content URL with one is old thread title url and one is new thread title url. That caused alot of duplicate content to my site.
for example old url is :
now if I rename this thread title by replace snapdragon 800 with snapdragon 1000, DBSEO will made two URL that not redirect old to the new one with this two URL:
this problem was not happen with VBSEO that I used before.
Could you please take a look and make it fixed ?
P/S: I also notice and wonder will this query in file class_core.php cause the insert into my read-only slave mysql DB?
INSERT INTO $dbtech_dbseo_spiderlog
(dateline, spider, script, hits)
' . $date . ',
\'' . self::$db->escapeString(DBSEO_SPIDER) . '\',
\'' . self::$db->escapeString($script) . '\',
Best Regards.
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