
I just took a look on [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe - Page 27 - vBulletin.org Forum
and [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe has not been updated since 2010!

I have replied to that thread here vBulletin.org Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe

When can an update be expected? Based on DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons - FAQ & Aims
Our aim is to update each product with at least 1 major and 2 medium sized updates per year. This isn't a rule though, and often products get 2 or more major updates a year, and anything up to a dozen medium updates depending on the popularity of the product. On rare occasions certain products may receive less, though this has never happened so far.

I would love an update to this product, it is one I have always wanted to buy, but without the bug fixed, it is just not useable as it can be exploited by members to get themselves a ton of points.
I just took a look on [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe - Page 27 - vBulletin.org Forum
and [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe has not been updated since 2010!

I have replied to that thread here vBulletin.org Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe

When can an update be expected? Based on DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons - FAQ & Aims

I would love an update to this product, it is one I have always wanted to buy, but without the bug fixed, it is just not useable as it can be exploited by members to get themselves a ton of points.
Darkwaltz4 will answer for sure, but I believe the pro version has received several updates since then.
Yeah it definitely needs an update. It was the first mod I bought here and I got Lifetime, but it hasn't really been updated much since then.

Look here: [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe - Page 4 - vBulletin.org Forum

Can you tell me why a member, who spams my site, who then gets their posts either moved to the trash or deleted, does not lose their credits they just spammed to get?

With vbplaza (vbux points) they lose the points correctly. However no matter what I do with vbCredits I can not get this to work.

Trash is set up to not give any points.
Thread amount and negation amount are both set to 5. Same with posts.

Your reply:
Thanks, I tested this and that is confirmed, including for the pro version. I'll get it fixed asap.
That was on the 14th December 2010, I have been waiting a very long time for the asap lol
Thanks, I tried it again locally, and it still happens as you describe. I did do a detailed post/thread audit last year and fixed many different things, but I guess not that scenario. The problem is vb doesnt do everything in a unified manner, so some methods will hit hooks that others don't, even if you are doing the same thing (such as inline vs within a thread).

I am scheduled to finally go through and get together a comprehensive update from all the bugs and whatnot after the next major arcade version, which means during june. Most of the bugs have already been fixed and released in various hotfixes, so shouldnt take very long once I start.