Question Delete Pending Mail sent via vBMail

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I have noticed an issue on my site since I installed and ran vbmail yesterday. All seemed fine and I received a test mail from vbmail and even when I sent out my proper mail shot I got this email as well. I don't think it was related but my mysql database at the time had a lot of process running and killed my server.

Since then I have not been able to get any notification emails of New posts/threads. I have enabled the diagnostics for emails and can see that there are emails being generated from the mail shot that I sent out yesterday from vbmail. I want to be able to clear these to see if I can get my emailing back to nornal.

vBMail uses the vBulletin Mail Queue system - can you open the mailqueue table and see if there are any entries there?

If there are, try clearing that table.

If there are not, then this would appear to be a server issue and I don't have enough knowledge about mail server software (Exim is the only one I know the name of =p) to tell you how to clear the pending mail queue :(
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Legacy vBMail

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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