Pending "Display in Postbit" Option by Currency


DragonByte Tech said:
Our Currency Manager allows you to create virtually unlimited different currencies, each with their own set of Events.

So, my use-case is probably abnormal. I'm sure most people only do two or three currencies. You do advertise "virtually unlimited," though, and I've created 18 currencies for my forum. More than 5-6, though, and displaying the currencies becomes a problem. In the wallet, they scroll off screen to the right and in the postbit, they extend every post's height.

Is it currently possible, or can it be made possible, to selectively display currencies on the postbit? My forum has a main currency, a few key secondary ones, and several minor tertiary ones. I'd like at least the main currency on the postbit, but not every currency. An option per currency similar to "Display in Member Tooltip" would be perfect. Right now, it seems it's all or none.

For the Wallet, can something like a scrollbar be added, or perhaps categories/tabs to divide them up?
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DragonByte Credits

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
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