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Tom McIntyre

I have spent quite a bit of time trying to alter the donation bar template to present the information in a much more compact format.

On the Vsa hack, which I have been using, I was able to put the text of the current progress, the progress bar
display and the donate link all in a single line instead of the 3 lines they require in vBDonate.

Since you are using a table and background color to generate the bar, I have not been able to sort out the elements to put them all together in one row.

Could you either offer this format, or help me figure out how to do it?

The variant we are currently using of the Vsa PayPal Donate hack can be seen at our live site National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Message Board.
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So you want the donation goal meter to be similar in size, on your test site as it is on your live site? If so is the info I have still active? I can play with it on your test site to try and get it to the same size.
Thank you it is working as I wanted. With template caching, it is a bit hard to adjust the settings, but no big deal.

I will be moving everything to my live site on Satuday and Sunday. I presume I should download the product as installed and reinstall it on the live site. Is that correct?
You can install the product on your live site, from the same zip file in your customer area on here. Then you would have to mimic the settings like I set them up in the Donation Bar Settings, then copy the template, dbtech_vbdonate_goal_meter from your Red style on your test site, to your styles on your live site.
Aha, you edited red. That clears up a mystery. I was wondering why there were no changes in blue, which is the parent of all the others.

I copied your edited goal meter to blue and then reverted red so they would be synced again.

The repaired xml file from the install problem is in the client area then.

Just as a comment, the bar from Valter resizes when the screen size is changed, but the one you made is fixed in size and wraps the format when sized too small for its current settings.

Our skins have 3 elements, color, font size and liquid/static. That gives us the 9 we have on offer. Almost all our users stay with the default liquid blue standard font size.
It should be ok on the other skins now, I set the width to 48%

Yes the XML in the client area is patched, so you wont run into the other issues.
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Legacy vBDonate

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