Former Developer
Hi everyone,
Today we're bringing news of DragonByte Classifieds Version 2. The product has reached Beta stage and is being opened up to selected users who are able to provide testing before we make the Beta public in the next few weeks.
User Shops: An often requested feature, User Shops allows users to create their own shops and then choose as to whether to sell their items as part of their shop or as an individual user. It also includes a store home page that can be customized and allows users to pick their own shop logos to display.
New Listing Types: Several new Listing Types have been added, including Exchange and Freebies. Exchange listings allow users to offer an Exchange of items, while Freebies allows users to give a way an item as they want to.
Shopping Cart: The shopping cart is for Buy-it-Now listings letting users add items directly to a cart and then check them out later, creating just one transaction with each seller.
Many other things have been introduced or changed in Version 2, Commenting directly on listings, improved Fee handling, better security for addresses stored in the database, and much more. You can take a look through the list of items at the end of this post to see just how many changes and features have been added.
Overall we feel that we've dramatically increased the value of DragonByte Classifieds to our users and we look forward to adding many more new features over the coming months to keep up with the suggestions and ideas that have flowed back to us from the community.
For those who are interested in getting access to the Closed Beta and helping to test out the features and changes and please send me a PM detailing how you can help. At this time the update is only ready for Pro customers. Also the update isn't yet ready to be put out on to live sites (we strongly recommend not even thinking of doing it
) but users who have test environments would be ideal testers at this stage.
If you have any questions about the update, feel free to reply to the thread and I'll answer them as soon as I can... maybe even with some screenshots...
Once again I want to take the chance to thank everyone for their input and help. DragonByte Classifieds has been a success largely because of that input and feedback. We look forward to working with you all as we continue to make it an even better product.
Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Various minor bugs
Fixed: Various missing phrases
Fixed: Seller's Other Items on the View Listing too high (
Fixed: Wanted listing type not showing up in Navigation Manager Links
Fixed: Incorrectly formatted postage details in the View Listing Item Basic Details box
Fixed: CSS deforming the middlecol box when disabling the button
Fixed: Incorrect information in the phrase notifying a user who is watching an item of something being sold
Fixed: Possible MySQL error when viewing an issue in the resolution centre
Fixed: Email containing UserID and not the correct Username
Fixed: Cancel Listing option in Moderation Options on the View Listing page being visible once a listing has been cancelled or it has ended
Fixed: Incorrect reversed grouping of feedback on the Feedback History pages
Fixed: Incorrect labeling of the Value column on the AdminCP Manage Fee's page
Fixed: Final Value Fees not triggering correctly on completion of an item (Included also in Classifieds v1.1.12)
Fixed: Price not correctly saving when creating or editing a new listing
Fixed: Ability to create a listing when not having viewing permissions
Fixed: Username not saving correctly as a Username in some settings
Fixed: PM sending issues
Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Buy/Bid/Watch buttons now deactivate when viewing as a guest or user prohibited from buying (
Change: Improved the formatting for the listing type details when submitting a new or editing an existing listing
Change: Improved the formatting of the date inputs when submitting a new or editing an existing listing
Change: Listing now states whether all the items are sold or whether some or under offer
Change: AdminCP Manage Fee's page now displays percentage fees using the percentage symbol and not the currency
Change: More explanation when creating an error because of bidding on your own listing
Change: Category Usergroup permissions now represent permission for that usergroup to view listings in that category - Note: Existing permissions have been copied across from the original Category Usergroup permissions
Change: UserCP areas of the site now contain My Listings, My Seller's Fees and My Sellers List links
Change: 'Discuss this Listing' changed to 'Forum Discussion' on the View Listing page because of the addition of the Comments and Messaging tabs
Change: Delivery Time now has become Dispatch Time and will be added to the Postage times to give users a better idea of not just the postage time but also how much time is needed for packaging and dispatch
Change: Images use attachment Caption for their title rather than the filename
Change: Instead of listing each item bought in a listing, Classifieds now displays just a single entry for each listing in the PMs and emails sent on purchasing or selling a But-it-Now item
Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: User Shops implemented
Feature: Customizable Admin options on how many shops a user can own
Feature: Shop Staff Members with various permissions
Feature: Shop Modular Front Page Layout
Feature: Front Page Modules including Search, Menus, Links, BBCode, Single and Multiple Listings
Feature: Listings Correctly Identify the Individual or the Shop that is selling an item
Feature: Ability to select whether a listing is personal or belongs to a shop the user can submit listings for
Feature: Addresses can be optionally turned off for a listing type
Feature: Freebie and Exchange listingtypes can be made
Feature: Messaging System between user and seller on View Listing page
Feature: Commenting System about the listing on the View Listing page
Feature: Exchange Listing Type added
Feature: Setting for ordering the Classifieds home page (Classifieds - Listing Settings)
Feature: Submit Category Usergroup permissions and Offer Category Usergroup permissions - Note: Existing permissions have been copied across from the original Category Usergroup permissions and will need individually checking
Feature: Category Usergroup settings for preventing usergroups viewing, offering or submitting listings for a particular category
Feature: Closed to New Listings option for Categories that prevents Categories containing new listings
Feature: Specifications can now have optional Custom values
Feature: Listings can grab keywords and descriptions for meta data
Feature: Optional ability to allow the seller to be the sender of relevant PMs to other users
Feature: Ability to Edit the Image Captions using the Edit Image Order page
Feature: Report button and ability to report listings to the moderators and administrators
Feature: Addresses are now Encryptable through a setting in the AdminCP
Feature: Shopping Cart for buying Buy-it-Now items in bulk and from more than one listing
Feature: Current Unpaid Fees added to the Notifications menu, as well as added in on the navigation manager
Feature: Two unpaid fee settings, one for time, one for value that can be used separately or together to prevent users creating new listings while they have fees above the values specified in the settings
Feature: Fees Manager: Quick Stats table with linkable stats to various breakdowns of the fees in the Classifieds system
Feature: Fees Manager: Now allows you to see outstanding fees, completed ones, whether per user or all
Feature: Fees Manager: Allows you to change the status, i.e. Pending, Completed or Cancelled for each fee transaction
Feature: Fees Manager: Send Payment Reminder emails/PMs to users who still haven't completed payment on a fee
Discuss this news here.
Today we're bringing news of DragonByte Classifieds Version 2. The product has reached Beta stage and is being opened up to selected users who are able to provide testing before we make the Beta public in the next few weeks.
User Shops: An often requested feature, User Shops allows users to create their own shops and then choose as to whether to sell their items as part of their shop or as an individual user. It also includes a store home page that can be customized and allows users to pick their own shop logos to display.
New Listing Types: Several new Listing Types have been added, including Exchange and Freebies. Exchange listings allow users to offer an Exchange of items, while Freebies allows users to give a way an item as they want to.
Shopping Cart: The shopping cart is for Buy-it-Now listings letting users add items directly to a cart and then check them out later, creating just one transaction with each seller.
Many other things have been introduced or changed in Version 2, Commenting directly on listings, improved Fee handling, better security for addresses stored in the database, and much more. You can take a look through the list of items at the end of this post to see just how many changes and features have been added.
Overall we feel that we've dramatically increased the value of DragonByte Classifieds to our users and we look forward to adding many more new features over the coming months to keep up with the suggestions and ideas that have flowed back to us from the community.
For those who are interested in getting access to the Closed Beta and helping to test out the features and changes and please send me a PM detailing how you can help. At this time the update is only ready for Pro customers. Also the update isn't yet ready to be put out on to live sites (we strongly recommend not even thinking of doing it

If you have any questions about the update, feel free to reply to the thread and I'll answer them as soon as I can... maybe even with some screenshots...

Once again I want to take the chance to thank everyone for their input and help. DragonByte Classifieds has been a success largely because of that input and feedback. We look forward to working with you all as we continue to make it an even better product.
Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Various minor bugs
Fixed: Various missing phrases
Fixed: Seller's Other Items on the View Listing too high (
Fixed: Wanted listing type not showing up in Navigation Manager Links
Fixed: Incorrectly formatted postage details in the View Listing Item Basic Details box
Fixed: CSS deforming the middlecol box when disabling the button
Fixed: Incorrect information in the phrase notifying a user who is watching an item of something being sold
Fixed: Possible MySQL error when viewing an issue in the resolution centre
Fixed: Email containing UserID and not the correct Username
Fixed: Cancel Listing option in Moderation Options on the View Listing page being visible once a listing has been cancelled or it has ended
Fixed: Incorrect reversed grouping of feedback on the Feedback History pages
Fixed: Incorrect labeling of the Value column on the AdminCP Manage Fee's page
Fixed: Final Value Fees not triggering correctly on completion of an item (Included also in Classifieds v1.1.12)
Fixed: Price not correctly saving when creating or editing a new listing
Fixed: Ability to create a listing when not having viewing permissions
Fixed: Username not saving correctly as a Username in some settings
Fixed: PM sending issues
Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Buy/Bid/Watch buttons now deactivate when viewing as a guest or user prohibited from buying (
Change: Improved the formatting for the listing type details when submitting a new or editing an existing listing
Change: Improved the formatting of the date inputs when submitting a new or editing an existing listing
Change: Listing now states whether all the items are sold or whether some or under offer
Change: AdminCP Manage Fee's page now displays percentage fees using the percentage symbol and not the currency
Change: More explanation when creating an error because of bidding on your own listing
Change: Category Usergroup permissions now represent permission for that usergroup to view listings in that category - Note: Existing permissions have been copied across from the original Category Usergroup permissions
Change: UserCP areas of the site now contain My Listings, My Seller's Fees and My Sellers List links
Change: 'Discuss this Listing' changed to 'Forum Discussion' on the View Listing page because of the addition of the Comments and Messaging tabs
Change: Delivery Time now has become Dispatch Time and will be added to the Postage times to give users a better idea of not just the postage time but also how much time is needed for packaging and dispatch
Change: Images use attachment Caption for their title rather than the filename
Change: Instead of listing each item bought in a listing, Classifieds now displays just a single entry for each listing in the PMs and emails sent on purchasing or selling a But-it-Now item
Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: User Shops implemented
Feature: Customizable Admin options on how many shops a user can own
Feature: Shop Staff Members with various permissions
Feature: Shop Modular Front Page Layout
Feature: Front Page Modules including Search, Menus, Links, BBCode, Single and Multiple Listings
Feature: Listings Correctly Identify the Individual or the Shop that is selling an item
Feature: Ability to select whether a listing is personal or belongs to a shop the user can submit listings for
Feature: Addresses can be optionally turned off for a listing type
Feature: Freebie and Exchange listingtypes can be made
Feature: Messaging System between user and seller on View Listing page
Feature: Commenting System about the listing on the View Listing page
Feature: Exchange Listing Type added
Feature: Setting for ordering the Classifieds home page (Classifieds - Listing Settings)
Feature: Submit Category Usergroup permissions and Offer Category Usergroup permissions - Note: Existing permissions have been copied across from the original Category Usergroup permissions and will need individually checking
Feature: Category Usergroup settings for preventing usergroups viewing, offering or submitting listings for a particular category
Feature: Closed to New Listings option for Categories that prevents Categories containing new listings
Feature: Specifications can now have optional Custom values
Feature: Listings can grab keywords and descriptions for meta data
Feature: Optional ability to allow the seller to be the sender of relevant PMs to other users
Feature: Ability to Edit the Image Captions using the Edit Image Order page
Feature: Report button and ability to report listings to the moderators and administrators
Feature: Addresses are now Encryptable through a setting in the AdminCP
Feature: Shopping Cart for buying Buy-it-Now items in bulk and from more than one listing
Feature: Current Unpaid Fees added to the Notifications menu, as well as added in on the navigation manager
Feature: Two unpaid fee settings, one for time, one for value that can be used separately or together to prevent users creating new listings while they have fees above the values specified in the settings
Feature: Fees Manager: Quick Stats table with linkable stats to various breakdowns of the fees in the Classifieds system
Feature: Fees Manager: Now allows you to see outstanding fees, completed ones, whether per user or all
Feature: Fees Manager: Allows you to change the status, i.e. Pending, Completed or Cancelled for each fee transaction
Feature: Fees Manager: Send Payment Reminder emails/PMs to users who still haven't completed payment on a fee
Discuss this news here.