Add-on DragonByte eCommerce 1.1.0rc1 [XenForo]

DragonByte eCommerce
DragonByte eCommerce is a highly advanced digital retailer for XenForo, containing advanced features such as multiple pricing tiers, coupons and automatic sales.

Fully integrated with XenForo 2, DragonByte eCommerce takes advantage of all built-in XenForo 2 functionality like the new Payment Profile system which allows you to accept payments from different payment processors.

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DragonByte Technologies

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A new update is available for DragonByte eCommerce by DragonByte Technologies.

DragonByte eCommerce 1.1.0rc1

Update highlights

Where do I even begin when describing this release? 😅

With almost a dozen new features of various sizes and almost a dozen improvements to existing features, this is easily the biggest update to DragonByte eCommerce yet.

Perhaps the most pressing update is the change to the VAT validation API. We were previously using a free and open-source API, which has since shut down and has gone the "freemium" route, meaning you need to sign up @ their site to get a (very restricted) free API key, or pay monthly to receive less restricted access.

The old API was, as I mentioned, open source, so I worked on getting that set up on one of the servers DBTech owns. After some internal discussion, we decided that the best way to handle this would be to offer support for the new "freemium" API should you wish to sign up for their plan, and provide the old API as a fallback. The reliability of our API cannot be guaranteed, so if you need reliability and high volume access, you have the option of using the hosted solution.

Next up on the list of big features, thanks to one of our customers there is now an importer from Chris D's excellent XR Product Manager. The importer is still in Beta, as it hasn't been tested extensively or on a large database, but if you are thinking of making the switch you won't have to manually hand out a ton of licenses 😅

For those interested in physical products, you'll now find the ability to mark an order as shipped, as well as the ability to download a shipping label you can include in your parcel. If you have a team of people shipping orders, you now no longer have to text each other to see which orders have shipped 😛

Last on the list of major, noteworthy features is the addition of a new interface panel for uploading a logo that will be added to your invoices. Invoices always look more professional with a logo, so your store will now be up to 100% more professional!

Other than these major features, there have been multiple smaller changes including the ability to globally disable sales and coupons, ability to hide the sale / coupon / discount totals from the checkout screen if they don't apply to any given order, and more.

Feel free to have a look at the full feature list for more information.

Thank you to all our customers for your invaluable feedback, this release is for you!

Complete Change Log

Feature: "Mark order as shipped" for Completed physical orders in the AdminCP order log. This will (optionally) send a forum alert as well as an email alert, toggled per-order when marking an order as shipped.
Feature: "Download shipping label" for Completed physical orders in the AdminCP order log. This will download a PDF file (in landscape mode) displaying the business address, the recipient address and other relevant information regarding the order.
Feature: Coupons can now be globally disabled, preventing any existing coupons from applying and preventing administrators from adding new coupons.
Feature: A new setting has been added controlling whether the "Coupon discount" row is always displayed in the Sub-totals block during checkout
Feature: Sales can now be globally disabled, preventing any existing sales from applying and preventing administrators from creating new sales.
Feature: A new setting has been added controlling whether the "Sale discount" row is always displayed in the Sub-totals block during checkout
Feature: Added support for a logo to be added to the invoice, uploaded via a new UI in the AdminCP.
Feature: [Beta] Importer from XR Product Manager by Chris D
Feature: "Amount owed" is now displayed on the "Find outstanding payments" page, making it easier to see how much each person is owed.
Feature: Added ability to delete orders with status "Pending" or "Awaiting payment".
Feature: A new VAT validation API has been implemented.

Change: "Automatic discount" and "Store credit discount" no longer appear in the sub-total block unless they apply to the current order
Change: When downloading a PDF invoice in the AdminCP via the order log, any existing invoice is always overwritten
Change: In the PDF invoices, the "PAID" badge has been moved to below the product list
Change: Application logic for Orders and Store Credit in the AdminCP have been moved from the Log controller to their own separate controllers
Change: Renamed a few Admin templates to be in line with the above change
Change: Shipping methods now have additional validation checks during checkout, preventing race conditions where invalid combinations would happen
Change: The front-end display for purchasing add-ons to digital products has been improved, making it easier to see available options
Change: Attempting to apply an invalid VAT number now displays an error message to the user
Change: ttempting to apply a VAT number that is from a different country than the billing address now displays an error message to the user
Change: When the user changes their billing address for an order, the sales tax ID for that order is also reset

Fix: Fixed an issue where the link to an order in the Store Credit Log would attempt to launch the front-end view instead of the AdminCP view
Fix: Attempting to view pending orders without an address would cause a server error
Fix: Corrected the cell spacing for Shipping Cost in the PDF invoice when Sales Tax is disabled
Fix: The sales tax rate for physical products is now correctly calculated using the business' country rather than the customer's country
Fix: Deleting a review would not rebuild the ratings as intended
Fix: Fixed an issue where automatic coupons would generate a SQL error if the user's cart contained more than one copy of the same product
Fix: PDF invoice phrases are now always rendered in the language of the person who placed the order

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Product Information

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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97.2% 4.86 star(s) 7 ratings

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