Add-on DragonByte eCommerce 3.3.0 [XenForo]

DragonByte eCommerce
DragonByte eCommerce is a highly advanced digital retailer for XenForo, containing advanced features such as multiple pricing tiers, coupons and automatic sales.

Fully integrated with XenForo 2, DragonByte eCommerce takes advantage of all built-in XenForo 2 functionality like the new Payment Profile system which allows you to accept payments from different payment processors.

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A new update is available for DragonByte eCommerce by DragonByte Technologies.

DragonByte eCommerce 3.3.0

Update highlights

This version is a large upgrade with multiple new features and changes, many of which were requested by our community 🎉

The biggest new feature is Order generation / edit in the AdminCP. You're now able to edit Pending orders and add products to a user's cart, change pricing tiers and licenses for digital products' renewal orders. You can also generate a new order either manually or by adding all non-Lifetime licenses to a user's cart, or only add already expired licenses to their cart. You no longer have to ask users "could you please add these products to cart and then I'll add a coupon"!

The user experience (UX) for purchasing has also been improved in a number of ways. Firstly, there's now a "Checkout" button in the purchase overlay, which means fewer clicks if your customers are only interested in purchasing a single product. Secondly, sale information is now also shown on the product overview page, with both the "Sale" banner and the green pricing colour in the Pricing Information box. Lastly, the checkout page has received some back-end changes to ensure required license fields are saved whenever any action is taken; customers no longer need to manually save only those fields before they can do anything else.

Other than that, minor features, changes and features have been added to improve the overall experience. Please see the changelog for the full list of changes.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Edit existing pending orders in the AdminCP
Feature: Order generation in the AdminCP
Feature: Pagination in front-end license list
Feature: Add "Checkout" button to Purchase overlay
Feature: Improved checkout flow to reduce friction when filling out custom checkout fields
Feature: Digital products can now have an optional "title" to be displayed instead of the license length
Feature: Also show sale price / sale banner on product overview
Feature: Ability to delete orders "Awaiting payment" older than a certain threshold
Change: Reassigning a license will now also transfer temporary user group changes, if any
Change: Add custom "Your account" phrase
Change: "Your licenses" links will no longer show if the user does not own any licenses
Change: Replace hasOption with callable
Change: Reduce number of queries ran on the license list
Fix: "Renewal cost from x" tooltip will no longer show for products without license functionality
Fix: Fix server error when attempting to purchase a product already owned via All-Access Pass
Fix: Fix server error when trying to perform inline moderation on products in the front-end
Fix: Fix server error with certain background tasks

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Product Information

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
97.2% 4.86 star(s) 7 ratings

Pricing information

1 Month
Renewal cost
1 Year
Renewal cost

Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day