Add-on DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets 3.1.0 [XenForo]

DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets
DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets is the perfect companion to DragonByte eCommerce, allowing you to easily deal with any support query your users might have.

Fully integrated with XenForo 2.1 and DragonByte eCommerce, Tickets uses forums to house your support tickets, giving you the stability of the XenForo core along with the rich information from DragonByte eCommerce.

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DragonByte Technologies

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A new update is available for DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets by DragonByte Technologies.

DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets 3.1.0

Update highlights​

After a lengthy beta period @ DBTech, this version is now ready for release 🎉

This version contains multiple new features and UI/UX enhancements aimed at making it easier for your users to get help, and easier for you to organise everything in one place.

There is now a new node / thread type: "Product Suggestion". This content type will work as a normal Suggestion forum, with the same eCommerce product integration as the normal support ticket forums.

Also, a few bugs and issues have been resolved.

Complete Change Log​

Feature: "Product Suggestion" forum / thread type
Feature: Ticket Tabs to quickly access common filters
Feature: Create new tickets/suggestions inline when viewing Support tab
Feature: Accessing a Forum node type via the Support tab will now show the sub-forum list
Change: Massively reworked backend to improve standardisation with default XF forum types
Change: Closed tickets will now be viewable
Change: Product selectors in forum config will now use autocomplete
Fix: Fix server error when editing a thread that does not have an associated Ticket record
Fix: Fix potential server error if product or default assigned user isn't set
Fix: Don't show license drop-downs if the associated product isn't license-based

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Product Information

DragonByte eCommerce XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
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Pricing information

1 Month
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1 Year
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Professional Installation

1 Day