Add-on DragonByte Shop 6.1.0b1 [XenForo]

DragonByte Shop
DragonByte Shop is the most advanced shop mod to date. Giving you unprecedented control over what items you can sell, DragonByte Shop is the perfect mod to go along with virtually any points modification.
With features like overriding any usergroup permission, including those of custom modifications, DragonByte Shop raises the bar for what you will come to expect from a shop mod.

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DragonByte Technologies

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A new update is available for DragonByte Shop by DragonByte Technologies.

DragonByte Shop 6.1.0b1

Update highlights

Welcome to the first Beta version of DragonByte Shop v6.1.0 🎉

Version 6.1.0 represents a complete re-write of the product, making it more deeply integrated with XenForo 2.1, improving performance, and making bugfixes easier.

The Beta label means all missing / planned functionality has now been added, and the system is now ready for more wide-scale testing.

Before we delve into the changes, let's get some things out of the way:
  • This version requires XenForo 2.1.0. It will not install on XenForo 2.0.x.

  • The "User shops" feature and surrounding item management in the front-end has been permanently removed from the add-on and will not be making a return.

  • If you are still running DragonByte Credits v5.0.x, you need to disable both DragonByte Credits and DragonByte Shop before upgrading both of them to the latest versions. Not doing so will cause your site to crash until you edit the config file to disable addons from running.

  • It is recommended you upgrade both this and DragonByte Credits via the new "Install from archive" feature in XenForo 2.1.0.

  • Please see this post: #213 for further upgrade notes.
With that out of the way, on to the changes!

Trading: The Trading feature has been re-added, improving its functionality from previous versions to make it easier to understand for users. In particular, when an item is offered in trade, it is now possible to view the same item information as the person owning the item sees in their inventory. This includes things like purchase date, expiry date, as well as any configuration (such as the configured thread, if the item pertains to threads).
The back-end has also been completely rewritten, and it is now easier than ever for us (or other 3rd party developers) to add new content types to the system for trade. You know, in case that might be in the cards for the future...

Trade comments: There is now a fully-featured comments system, with the exact look & feel of the "profile posts" system, which allow the two members engaged in a trade to discuss the trade among themselves.

Alerts, not conversations: Instead of a trade starting an automated conversation, Shop now makes use of the XenForo alert system (with full Push notification support) to notify trade participants of any changes to the status of the trade. Users receive alerts when:
  • They are invited to trade
  • The other person accepts the invitation
  • The other person declines the invitation
  • The other person cancels the trade
  • The other person modifies their offers
  • The other person wants to finalise the trade
  • The other person has finalised the trade (i.e. both parties have clicked "Accept trade")

In addition, various bugs have been resolved along with the occasional behind-the-scenes change.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Trade system
Feature: Trade discussions
Feature: New currency setting: Can be traded
Change: Changed certain Alert moderator actions around to make them display even if the content is no longer viewable
Fix: Fix the phrase used when a currency is set to display in the navbar
Fix: Fix a potential database error if an admin tried to add an item with a title that's too long
Fix: Fix possibility of DB error when discarding items
Fix: Fix issue where turning off steal loss would break steal
Fix: Fix issue where the wrong user gets credited with the sale price

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Product Information

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
100% 5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

Pricing information

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1 Day