Not planned eCommerce For Media Section?

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My website is a Media based not Forum based.

I noticed when I was checking out the settings in eCommerce and the setting you see in the screenshot below does NOT show any categories from the Media section even though I have a lot of categories already inputted.

For the record, I am using the XF Media Gallery add-on along with the eCommerce add-on.

F.Y.I., the screenshots you see are from my Development website, it's not public, but if DragonByte needs access to this Development website, please let me know.

The screenshot shows the comments as shown.


All Media categories have their own "forum" for a lack of a better word to use and the screenshot shows this.


Let me know if eCommerce can accept categories from the Media section.

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Hello @Serpius,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte eCommerce. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

Unless there are any problems preventing these features from being added to the product, this thread will not receive another reply until it is time to review logged feature requests for implementation.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products!

- DragonByte Tech Staff
Absolutely not, sorry.

Media Gallery categories are not like forums in any way, shape or form. Media Gallery categories need Media Items (such as a picture or a video), which is wholly incompatible with the idea of posting a thread.

What your screenshots are highlighting is a comment on a media item, which is more akin to posting a post in a thread (but still, entirely different code base).
Absolutely not, sorry.

Media Gallery categories are not like forums in any way, shape or form. Media Gallery categories need Media Items (such as a picture or a video), which is wholly incompatible with the idea of posting a thread.

What your screenshots are highlighting is a comment on a media item, which is more akin to posting a post in a thread (but still, entirely different code base).

Wow! What a bummer.

I guess I wasted my money on getting the eCommerce add-on.
I'd like to follow up on Fillip's post by clarifying that yes, the part in your screenshot is simply a comment for a media item, it is not actually a forum. If you think of comments down at the bottom of any blog article on the net, it's pretty much the same here.

The field you referenced in the Ecommerce category edit page is for creating auto "news threads" which announce your public forum visitors about new products being added to the shop. The idea here, if I may say this for DBTech, is to help automate things a bit so admins (or the users if you give them permissions) don't have to manually write threads about product releases and updates. The auto-thread option does this for them to lighten the work, imo.

The other point in the screenshot "force the users to announce their creations in the forum that will be found in Media", may I also say that eCommerce (nor any other shop system for Xenforo that I'm aware of) are not meant to sell Media items. That functionality on Xenforo doesn't exist, nor do I know of any requests by the community to do such a thing.

Even singularly for Media Gallery by itself -- outside of eCommerce addon -- it was not meant to provide this. The two can exist side by side and, with some cross-linking, clever custom Media field use, or steps users can take, simulate an environment where creations added to Media Gallery can be sold in eCommerce or other similar shops. But this would still be simulated, with some duplication of sorts as I've mentioned elsewhere, and no "true bridge".

TLDR: Neither eCommerce nor Media Gallery have compatibility on this front because neither were ever meant to work together.

PS. If I'm incorrect on any of these points and someone would like to pitch in, please feel free to do so.

@Serpius Let's continue via correspondence and I'll help get things figured out!
I'd like to follow up on Fillip's post by clarifying that yes, the part in your screenshot is simply a comment for a media item, it is not actually a forum. If you think of comments down at the bottom of any blog article on the net, it's pretty much the same here.

The field you referenced in the Ecommerce category edit page is for creating auto "news threads" which announce your public forum visitors about new products being added to the shop. The idea here, if I may say this for DBTech, is to help automate things a bit so admins (or the users if you give them permissions) don't have to manually write threads about product releases and updates. The auto-thread option does this for them to lighten the work, imo.

The other point in the screenshot "force the users to announce their creations in the forum that will be found in Media", may I also say that eCommerce (nor any other shop system for Xenforo that I'm aware of) are not meant to sell Media items. That functionality on Xenforo doesn't exist, nor do I know of any requests by the community to do such a thing.

Even singularly for Media Gallery by itself -- outside of eCommerce addon -- it was not meant to provide this. The two can exist side by side and, with some cross-linking, clever custom Media field use, or steps users can take, simulate an environment where creations added to Media Gallery can be sold in eCommerce or other similar shops. But this would still be simulated, with some duplication of sorts as I've mentioned elsewhere, and no "true bridge".

TLDR: Neither eCommerce nor Media Gallery have compatibility on this front because neither were ever meant to work together.

PS. If I'm incorrect on any of these points and someone would like to pitch in, please feel free to do so.

@Serpius Let's continue via correspondence and I'll help get things figured out!

Thanks Nulumia for the clarifications!

I suppose I needed to have a better understanding of the differences between the XF Media Gallery and the eCommerce add-ons.

Your last sentence "TLDR: Neither eCommerce nor Media Gallery have compatibility on this front because neither were ever meant to work together." summarizes all of your points and shows the differences in the add-ons.

Now, I know!
Hello @Serpius,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte eCommerce has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte eCommerce

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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