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The following error is produced during game installs, this does NOT happen on all games only periodically, hard to tell what games are producing this error this occurs with Beta 8

Warning: copy() [function.copy]: The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in [path]/admincp/arcade_admin.php on line 783
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Hm, yeah i need to see the game you tried to import. can you select one at a time until you get one that does this, then attach here the archive file that does it?

you can select games that are already installed; they merge in new information anyway.
Yeah no prob, will try loading games one at a time until I get the error, will post the game here as soon as I find one that is flagging the error
This sounds like my untar-er's issue of previously creating directories instead of files in some cases. so this should be fixed in the next beta. if it happens again after upgrading, you can start a new thread
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