Question Event Trigger: Payment Profile with moderating enabled


1. Example to reproduce the problem:
We have two paid user rights upgrades for $20 and $30. The user's balance is 30$(=30 credits). The user buys an upgrade for 20$. The user's balance does not change, because moderation is enabled and the transaction is not approved yet.
Then the user buys a second upgrade for 30$, which is also successful.
2. Expected Behavior:
After the first purchase of a user's paid group upgrade, until the transaction is approved, that amount should be frozen in the user's total balance. And when attempting to purchase a second paid upgrade, the ability to purchase should be checked against the user's balance minus the moderated amount.
3. What's really happening:
A user can buy two upgrades for $20 and $30 with a $30 balance.

I understand that it is not possible to moderate a purchase made through the Xenforo payment profile, due to the lack of such payment status. But this is just an example to show that the moderated amount is available for further use.
Sorry, but no, this is unlikely to change. Moderation should not be enabled for that kind of event, since it is dealing with real money and your payment processor should already have checked for fraud.
Sorry, but no, this is unlikely to change. Moderation should not be enabled for that kind of event, since it is dealing with real money and your payment processor should already have checked for fraud.
I may have given a bad example )). The essence of the problem is that when moderating events the amounts are not frozen. Maybe that's the way it's designed.
Here is another example. Topic creation event. I have a classifieds section and creating a topic in it costs 10 credits. If moderation is enabled, a user with a balance of 12 credits will be able to create as many topics as he wants until I approve the event in moderation and 10 credits are deducted from his balance.
That is, event moderation works well when the event increases the balance, but when the event is associated with a decrease in balance, I expected a different behavior, namely a hold of moderated credits.
That is, when there is a transaction pending moderation that will reduce the user's balance, I assumed that in future transactions, the transaction possibility check will be performed taking into account the possible balance reduction when approving the transaction pending moderation.
I'll keep this ticket open so I can look into it. I'll post back when I have more information or if I need additional information :)

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