Bug Exception: Unexpected result from GeoIP: array (...continued)

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Philip G

New member
I just got two more error log messages this week:

Server error log
ErrorException: Unexpected result from GeoIP: array ( 'city' => false, 'country' => array ( 'name' => 'United States', 'code' => 'US', ), 'location' => array ( ), 'ip' => '', ) src/XF/Error.php:75
Generated by: Unknown account Aug 23, 2018 at 1:41 PM

Update: I've looked into this and it would appear as if the IP address in question is an invisible proxy: https://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/ - therefore it has no country data.

This is not a bug.

Server errors can affect Google results, so this is important. Could you please find a workaround?
Hello @Philip G,

Thank you for your suggestion for DragonByte Member Map. Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team shortly.

Unless there are any problems preventing these features from being added to the product, this thread will not receive another reply until it is time to review logged feature requests for implementation.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve our products!

- DragonByte Tech Staff
Server errors can affect Google results, so this is important.
Server errors in a Cron job that is never shown to users cannot possibly affect Google results.

While I can understand that having to clear the server error log may be a hassle, this does not impact your site in any way, shape or form.

I’ll look into hiding that particular error from the log, but in the meantime I’m closing this.
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DragonByte Member Map

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