Getting this error ''''
Line: 40 403 Forbidden
The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.
The relevant code is..
<link rel="" href=""/><link rel=alternate type="application/json" href=""/><link rel=EditURI type="application/rsd+xml" title=RSD href=""/>
I jsut can't work out where this comes from or how to fix it. Please help.

The link is forbidden! This needs fixing. Usual suspects: a missing index.html or Overview.html, or a missing ACL.
The relevant code is..
<link rel="" href=""/><link rel=alternate type="application/json" href=""/><link rel=EditURI type="application/rsd+xml" title=RSD href=""/>
I jsut can't work out where this comes from or how to fix it. Please help.