Pinkie Pie

New member
Hi Fillip H. and DBT! Big fan of your work,
I've been getting people bugging me on.... A viral level now LOL about the ability to have a quick favorite image gallery.

What I mean by that:

whenever someone posts something like images would always have a small plus symbol or 'fav' button. When they click that, it would add the URL of that image to a "my favorites" folder in that persons profile, this way they can easily create and store a gallery of images they like while maintaining the original link/ower.

Couple other ideas...
- Perhaps it could automatically name itself like ' - image(dropping the .jpg)'
- Detect websites that don't allow hotlinks
- Have an Admin 'clean up' feature that goes through the links, seeing if they are active and deleting the ones that are broken, then sends a message to that user " - image does not exist anymore and was removed from your gallery! Original link for reference www......(link)"
- A cron feature for the previous item
You should post this in the proper forum so it gets added to our system, so it can be looked at for future versions, Dragonbyte Gallery Lite Support

Also it is best to post each feature as a separate request, so the items can be tracked better. This is due to it you request ten things in one thread, and one of them gets added to the mod, the thread is marked, Implemented. Thus not allowing the other nine to be in the system as a request, and will quite probably get overlooked.