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Hi Ozzy, on the donation page I think the following features should be implemented: The 47 Ronin - PayPal Donate

Individual donors to be able to donate Anonymously (registered users). Anonymous Donation Yes/No
Users should be able to have the option to disclose the donation to the public or not, some people want this feature and I agree with them. Disclose amount Yes/No

Having donation/contribution benefits listed at the bottom: Example: Private Message inbox increase, Special user rank, change username color, ect....(to be able to define custom options via admincp for each usergroup)

Also on the donation page I think it would be a good idea to add the VISA/MasterCard/AmericanExpress/Disconver & Paypal Logo for accepted payment types. This is a feature that is available for premier paypal account holders, to be able to accept payments from credit cards via PayPal.
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I have thought about adding the donate anonymously and the option to disclose amount, I will look into adding those in the future.

For contribution benefits, would you like to see another block on the contribute page that admin can list what they are?

For the VISA/MasterCard/AmericanExpress/Disconver & Paypal Logo for accepted payment types I dunno how useful that is as anyone that uses PayPal already knows that. But I can see if you have a user that ha not used PayPal he don't know he can pay with a CC, so mock up a screenshot where you think the best place would be for that, and i will look into it in a future update.
Yes please, a low profile block would be fine, nothing too fancy, just something practical that users will be able to see it.

Here is a screenshot:

For the VISA/MasterCard/AmericanExpress/Disconver & Paypal Logo for accepted payment types....But I can see if you have a user that ha not used PayPal he don't know he can pay with a CC,

Yeah, I think it would be great if it was added.
I was thinking about it....just yesterday but at last IcEWoLF beat me to it. :)
Actually this is what it is going to look like, the logos will also be able to be displayed on the goal meter as well.
cc img.webp
Users now can have the ability to make anonymous and or undisclosed donations.

You have the option to enable a benefits block, and add your own benefits to it.

Accepted payment types has been added to various places.
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Legacy vBDonate

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