
New member


I got nulled versions from different sites by searching in google. I installed and used them for about three months, they are still working but I am feeling guilty to use them without purchasing them. I searched for them because I liked them but I couldnt afford them as I am student with no job and forum is just my hobby without any income from ads and other things. I started feeling guilty last week (not going to explain why). I was using nulled vBulletin but now I have purchased it and they told me that I dont have to do anything but just upload files and run upgrade.

Now I want to convert all your products to lite as I cant afford to purchase them. I have following versions

DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro) 1.0.1
DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging (Pro) 1.2.1
DragonByte Tech: Info Panels (Pro) 1.1.1
DragonByte Tech: vBActivity & Awards (Pro) 2.1.2
DragonByte Tech: vBCredits II Deluxe (Pro) 1.2.0
DragonByte Tech: vBShop (Pro) 1.2.1

what should i do? i know i deserve to be banned here and no support on this issue because i have done very wrong thing. but if there is a little hope, i want to apologize on my act. i am ashamed.

first i thought to uninstall all products and then install lite versions but in this case i think all data will be removed. i dont want to lose thanks, likes, tags, mentions, mentions, achievements, awards, points and gifts which i have added by working three months on them and assigning them to members.

please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please forgive me and guide me and help me. what should i do now?
You could consider asking your Forum members to donate towards the cost of purchasing the Pro licenses.
I'm agree...the piracy ruine the small teams and internet company...i like this excuse post but i'm think you should find a system to pay this mods (with bulk purchase you would have a discount)...you can ask donations to your members or another system, bear in mind that piracy ruin and create great damages to the little businesses...
Ahhh.... I understand the idea of wanting nice toys and stuffs for cheapest (or even free), but that takes away from DBtech getting people to program mods that all work together and with other system.

They put a lot of work into their programs to work so well.

Maybe you can help them identify where you got them :(
Thanks for your honesty =)

As some others have stated, piracy *really* hurts small companies like ours. A lot of people think "oh i wouldn't pay for it anyway, so it's ok" - The problem with that is the people who release it are encouraged every time someone downloads it. Every time someone does it they are helping to support the pirates.

A lot of small companies go out of business because of piracy. or end up having to encode their products to try to slow it down/stop it.

I'll have Fillip H. explain how to downgrade if it is possible.

To downgrade, open your main public_html folder (or wherever the forum files are kept) and open the dbtech folder.
Then, delete every folder that has _pro in its name.

After that, go into /includes/xml and delete all bitfield_, cpnav_ and hooks_ XML files that have names like dbtech_<product>_pro.

Then, just import the Lite XML files in your product manager.
Oh god, you used nulled versions and now you criticize them (the ones who null for you and the ones are using them), I don't see anything good in you.

All you said is very normal things all over the world. If people begin a forum but don't have much money or their money when exchanged to USD cost too much (special countries in Asian), what must they do?? Here the answers:
1/ Free hosting, free domain, nulled vbulletin or using free forum sources such as SMF, PHPBB .... nulled mod, nulled theme/skins
2/ After 2-3 months working, if members increase everyday and they got some buck, they rent good hosting, buy domain.
**At that time, if no one join their forum or they feel boring ..., they quit
=> Nothing to feel guilty
3/ After 6-12 months, if forum continue expand and they got more money from ads, they buy forum license; if they use free forum sources, they buy mod
**At that time, the forum down or they fell boring or loss ...., they quit
=> Nothing to feel guilty again
4/ After one year, continue expand, they continue buy license
**If they feel boring or loss ..., they quit & sell license vbb to get some money back
=> Nothing to fell guilty again
5/ After 2 years, everything will become Pro for sure

The time just work with countries in Europe, it'll take longer time in Asian. Actually, I'm student and just start my forum 2 months and I'm using some db-tech nulled version 'cause I need some function just have in Pro version. I don't feel guilty because I don't have enough money to purchase Pro version. I love db-tech mod & I love the way they support. Purchased Pro is 100% sure if my forum can live in long time.

Ads just available for forums live at least 6 months & those forums must have some Alexa. It's very hard to earn money from them and use that money to buy license. That's all I'm feeling. Does anyone feel same with me?
I have spent alot of money purchasing mods from DB TECH and let me tell you after my first 3 purchases I got hooked.
Reason being the staff are brilliant and the support is just wonderful, I have encountered little issues with some mods but they all get resolved within a couple of minutes.

Even if you find the Mods expensive the support is well worth it.

It's a shame there is no more mods to purchase for me! lol
I have spent alot of money purchasing mods from DB TECH and let me tell you after my first 3 purchases I got hooked.
Reason being the staff are brilliant and the support is just wonderful, I have encountered little issues with some mods but they all get resolved within a couple of minutes.

Even if you find the Mods expensive the support is well worth it.

It's a shame there is no more mods to purchase for me! lol

Exactly the same with me. I am hooked. There are a few mods that don't suit my needs, but I will be purchasing anything that does from here. These guys give great service and the mods I've purchased are fabulous. Any issue I've ever had has been addressed in a most courteous and professional way, which is why every license I've purchased has been lifetime.
Exactly the same with me. I am hooked. There are a few mods that don't suit my needs, but I will be purchasing anything that does from here. These guys give great service and the mods I've purchased are fabulous. Any issue I've ever had has been addressed in a most courteous and professional way, which is why every license I've purchased has been lifetime.

thank you for such kind words, we aim to be the best. our support is something we are proud of and hope to ever improve on.

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