
I was thinking about your profile hover and how it could be adopted or used for other things within the forum.

Idea 1:
For example hover over thread title and it shows you the contents inside (free users shows same as default hover only DBtech sexy touch) and (Paid users it shows full contents of first post only) with user groups options to say wheich group could have use of the thread title hover.

Idea 2:
I mentioned this in early thread about making a version of live feed but for guests only or a better RSS mod than the default VB one, like alot in VB somethings are ignored and never updated.

Idea 3:
I had used one a few years ago and even paid for it only for the developer to pull the plug on it (IMDB Info Generator (Lite) - Forum). There are 100's of VB based sites out there that use IMDB information. The old version linked all you had to do was but the IMDB I.D in and boom it inputted the info.

Idea 4:

Attachment like shopping cart with a check box or button "add to basket" or a basket icon beside each thread title with the option to select which forums and which usergroups can use it. I like alot of places have at the moment 15,000 attachments and often asked for such an option so they can add to a basket then download them all at once.

Just a ideas kicking round in my head that could do with DBTech sexy touch or DBTechs expertise to create and naturally sell. I for one would be top of the shopping queue for any or all of these.
For idea 4 you mean being able to charge for attachments and having a cart people can add them to?
no not to charge for the attachments just a basket they can add too then hit a button when there done to grab them all at once rather than constantly click each.