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Hello DBT Support !

I'm not quite sure if there is a problem or not, I choose Mochi for my games, they have Disney, I added the id and secret code, I downloaded games and they are all showing up. When you try to play one of the games the box/window shows my site, then goes right back to the start graphic.

Also, the Arcade tab from navbar opens in the new browser's tab and doesn't get selected even being on the Arcade page. The option to show Arcade in navbar is not working and I manually set the Arcade from Navigation Manager and given link ending with /arcade.php ... The arcade is currently set to off.

There's also a warning showed on AdminCP > Import Games " Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in [path]/admincp/arcade_admin.php on line 1285 ".

Kindly check and help me resolve this. Let me know if you need more details.

Regards !
First, the arcade tab is being updated for vb4.2 support in the next major arcade update. Adding it though the navigation menu manager in vb4.2 is good for now.

Second, it sounds like your (forum)/dbtech/vbarcade/media, (forum)/dbtech/vbarcade/import, (forum)/dbtech/vbarcade/import/temp folders are not chmod 777, and so writing the game files and images has failed.
You should delete the games, clear out and chmod those folders, and install the games again. Let me know how this goes :)
Hello :)

Nope, it still didn't work. I did exactly the same but the game still shows my site in the background when clicking on starting the game and then goes back to starting stage after awhile.

Please, let me know if any more details on this are required to resolve this problem.

Much thanks !!
Are there folders within your (forum)/dbtech/vbarcade/media directory? Are there images and .swfs inside each of those?

I might need you to PM me an admin login and ftp access.
It turns out your bburl had some capital letters in it, which all urls should be lowercase.

Instead of changing it i decided to make vbarcade disregard it, I applied the following for you (and will be in the next version):

in (forums)/arcade.php find

if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'load' AND $canplay AND array_shift(explode('?', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) == $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/arcade.php')

replace with

if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'load' AND $canplay AND array_shift(explode('?', strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))) == strtolower($vbulletin->options['bburl']) . '/arcade.php')

*i also upgraded your vbarcade, which fixed the tab at the top for you too.
Thank you so much, the games are now working great !!

By the way, I have a question in this regard that while working on an IP blocking problem, I had to remove the .htaccess file. The site works and so does the Arcade. The .htaccess file is renamed as MFC-htaccess.txt and is located in the public_html folder. Any help is appreciated, we will need to put the .htaccess file back at some point. SEOvB is aware of this problem also. Thanks!

The game size is not looking well on IE browser version 9.0.8 while showing okay on Google Chrome. The game is not fitting with the entire box, attaching the screen-shot.

Thank you so much, the games are now working great !!

By the way, I have a question in this regard that while working on an IP blocking problem, I had to remove the .htaccess file. The site works and so does the Arcade. The .htaccess file is renamed as MFC-htaccess.txt and is located in the public_html folder. Any help is appreciated, we will need to put the .htaccess file back at some point. SEOvB is aware of this problem also. Thanks!

I'm not sure what you are asking for help here? Reimporting the vbarcade product file will generate the needed code in your .htaccess file if it is not present.


The game size is not looking well on IE browser version 9.0.8 while showing okay on Google Chrome. The game is not fitting with the entire box, attaching the screen-shot.

View attachment 3117

I have tried this in the past in ie9, and was unable to reproduce this on the default theme - your custom theme is causing the issue, and you should have the designer of that theme look into it.
I'm not sure what you are asking for help here? Reimporting the vbarcade product file will generate the needed code in your .htaccess file if it is not present.
>> I meant the .htaccess file is not in use as of now and if we put it back, will it make the games stop to work ? (Before it was there in cPanel and games were not working).

I have tried this in the past in ie9, and was unable to reproduce this on the default theme - your custom theme is causing the issue, and you should have the designer of that theme look into it.
>> Alright, thanks. I will see into it. :)
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