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Here is my problem : i enabled Guest Full Page Caching.
I have mobile skin & default skin on my forum.
Some guests visit my forum by mobile device, so they get mobile skin, now that mobile skin choice seems cached by vb optimise.
Now other guests who visit my forum by PC get mobile skin too.

My suggestion :
Guest Full page caching should be separated per style id.
For example on my situation above, 2 full page cache are created :
  1. Full page cache with default skin.
  2. Full page cache with mobile skin.

And if there are 3 guests that use 3 different styles (for example by style chooser dropdown), 3 full page cache are created.
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I'm not 100% sure if that's possible, but we'll take it into consideration for future versions :)
Thanks beor. I hope it is fully implemented soon. I am ready to buy a lifetime license for my other forum if it is added to the VBO ;)
In the next version of vBOptimise, Guest Cache will be separated by style type in addition to existing checks.

To give you a little bit more insight, at the time of writing the following factors generate a unique guest cache key:
* The script the user is viewing
* User selected style (i.e. from the style selector drop-down)
* User selected language (i.e. from the language selector drop-down)
* The "Default Style" vBulletin option
* Whether the user is viewing the forum in IE6 or above
* Any other URL variables (such as ?f=1 for forum ID 1)

The extra bit adds "mobile" or "desktop" depending on if the browser triggers the Mobile Browsers flags in vB4) :)

Result, separate guest caches for mobile and desktop users :)

It's not per style ID like the OP suggested, but it's not possible to separate by style ID because vBO Guest Cache loads before the "true style ID" is selected.

The "true style ID" is what happens when users browse your forum for the first time, or when they have chosen the "forum default" as their style of choice - vB then sets mobile style or the normal default style based on what kind of browser you're using.

Hopefully this adds some insight and satisfies everyone :D
Awesome.. It is fine it won't be per ID, even your feature lists are much much better than my idea. I didn't even think about language selection.
As long as it fixes my mobile & non-mobile style selection for my guests, i will say "you rock.. a lot"... :D
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Legacy vB Optimise

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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