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Head Roller

While importing the xml for VBCredits II, my board experienced a fatal error.....I cannot get back to the product area to uninstall... I am not sure what to do.. my site is showing a LOT of code and what seems to have something to do with VBCredits (old version from pixelfx) ....

Please help!
I am looking within my dababase now, and i can see that the product xml did not fully install. It is not in the products table. There are also no new dbtech_xxxx tables for credits. I am not sure what I should be looking for, but i am unable to turn this off to get my board back on.
I have to figure out how to shut my board off... more info for support:

Fatal error: DBTech_Framework_Permissions::Registry::bf_ugp[dbtech_vbactivitypermissions] is not an array in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/libs/permissions.php on line 92
#0 vb_error_handler(256, DBTech_Framework_Permissions::Registry::bf_ugp[dbtech_vbactivitypermissions] is not an array, /var/www/vhosts/, 92, Array ([registry] => vB_Registry Object ([datastore] => vB_Datastore Object ([defaultitems] => Array ([0] => options,[1] => bitfields,[2] => attachmentcache,[3] => forumcache,[4] => usergroupcache,[5] => stylecache,[6] => languagecache,[7] => products,[8] => pluginlist,[9] => cron,[10] => profilefield,[11] => loadcache,[12] => noticecache),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[dbobject] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => blearnai_portal,[connection_master] => Resource id #8,[connection_slave] => Resource id #8,[connection_recent] => Resource id #8,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE vb_user SET lastvisit = lastactivity, lastactivity = 1288148890 WHERE userid = 3 ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => 0,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 5),[prefix] => ,[checked_options] => 1),[input] => vB_Input_Cleaner Object ([shortvars] => Array ([f] => forumid,[t] => threadid,[p] => postid, => userid,[a] => announcementid,[c] => calendarid,[e] => eventid,[q] => query,[pp] => perpage,[page] => pagenumber,[sort] => sortfield,[order] => sortorder),[superglobal_lookup] => Array ([g] => _GET,[p] => _POST,[r] => _REQUEST,[c] => _COOKIE, => _SERVER,[e] => _ENV,[f] => _FILES),[scriptpath] => ,[reloadurl] => ,[wolpath] => , => ,[ipaddress] => ,[alt_ip] => ,[... listing info from my profile, my PMs etc....
Loggin in to the site where I am not logged in... I get white screen with just:

Fatal error: DBTech_Framework_Permissions::Registry::bf_ugp[dbtech_vbactivitypermissions] is not an array in [path]/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/libs/permissions.php on line 92

I had purchased VBActivity, Credits II and Store... I uploaded all the files, imported activity - I thought successfully.... the fatal error came during the Credits II install

I have a txt file of the db error that showed inside the admin as the product was importing... it is HUGE... here is the beginning:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb_language SET title = title, phrasegroup_cpglobal = 'a:459:{s:15:\"WWU002_actmaint\";s:20:\"Activity Maintenance\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt1\";s:7:\"General\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt2\";s:7:\"Display\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt3\";s:19:\"Rank and Promotions\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt4\";s:17:\"Top Activity Page\";s:14:\"WWU002_options\";s:17:\"Activity Settings\";s:12:\"access_masks\";s:12:\"Access Masks\";s:20:\"action_x_not_defined\";s:23:\"Action %1$s not defined\";s:6:\"active\";s:6:\"Active\";s:11:\"ad_selector\";s:11:\"Ad Selector\";s:3:\"add\";s:3:\"Add\";s:14:\"add_new_notice\";s:14:\"Add New Notice\";s:16:\"add_new_rss_feed\";s:16:\"Add New RSS Feed\";s:31:\"add_new_social_bookmarking_site\";s:31:\"Add New Social Bookmarking Site\";s:16:\"add_new_stylevar\";s:16:\"Add New Stylevar\";s:20:\"add_per_ten_comments\";s:57:\"Add this amount for every ten visible comments (0 - 1.00)\";s:20:\"add_this_many_points\";s:82:\"Add this many points. You should avoid adding a lot of entries with high priority.\";s:21:\"additional_usergroups\";s:21:\"Additional Usergroups\";s:... and on and on and on
Last edited:
Add this: define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

To your config.php just under the <?php

That'll disable all of your mods. Then you can get into the adminCP and try and either install the XML file for vBCredits or disable it until DarkWaltz can help you.

Once you do that, comment out the line I told you to add so it looks like: //define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

Then the rest of your mods will start again.
Odd, but looks like your errors are caused by... vbactivity O.o? Fillip H., can you imagine why a vbc install messed up vba? This isnt the first vba+vbc install, but first im seeing this issue :p
Also...... I had vbCredits - the old one from the other place - installed for quite some time. The databases are pretty big as it was a community favorite hack. When I upgraded to 4.0 I had to turn off all the credits/store/commerce in the products area in order to get the board to function correctly. Should I uninstall all that or just leave it?

Going to bed now... will be back at it in the morning!!!!
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Just hold off until Fillip H. takes a look at those errors to make sure its not something quickly fixable from the vbactivity side. If you disabled the vbcredits related addons, you should be able to safely remove the disable hooks line you added to your config so the rest of your addons can run in the meantime.
Ok... I have subscribed to this thread, so I will be looking forward to hearing from Fillip H.. I have all my former add-ons running fine now, so just nothing new (DB activity, credits, shop). THanks.
First, ensure /includes/xml/bitfield_dbtech_vbactivity.xml is present.
Then, click on Rebuild Bitfields in the AdminCP menu. You may need to add $config['Misc']['debug'] = true; to your config file to make that option appear.

Are you using a modification for product management?
OK... unfortunately my day job (LOL) took longer than expected today.. I am going to start working on this now. I noticed today, that DBTech Activity did not install correctly.. the Admin area was a MESS. I uninstalled it and am going to re-upload all the products before moving on.

FYI - I am using the vBulletin suite CMS manager... however, I was using vbPortal up to the point of upgrading to vb4. I have it completely turned off, but not uninstalled because it holds A LOT of information that I have not completely integrated into the new site.
OK - Imported vbActivity.... fatal error at this stage:

Updating version number to: 2.1.0

* Altered Table: vb_dbtech_vbactivity_points
* Altered Table: vb_dbtech_vbactivity_type

Updating version number to: 2.1.1

Updating version number to: 2.1.2

Rebuild Style Information

Updating style information for each style

* legacy (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

o Default Style (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

o applied_x (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

+ applied_x_vbp (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

* Legacy_May08 (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

* LEGACY-Stock (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

o Soness-Stock (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

* legacy_371 (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

o Soness Fluid (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

+ Soness Fluid_vbp (vB3 Style - Incompatible) ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

* vB4 Default Style ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

* Semblance ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

* Gray Gremlin ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.

Database Error Database error
The Airbrush Artists Resources by Mike Learn database has encountered a problem.

Database Error Message:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb_language SET title = title, phrasegroup_cpglobal = 'a:459:{s:15:\"WWU002_actmaint\";s:20:\"Activity Maintenance\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt1\";s:7:\"General\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt2\";s:7:\"Display\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt3\";s:19:\"Rank and Promotions\";s:11:\"WWU002_opt4\";s:17:\"Top Activity Page\";s:14:\"WWU002_options\";s:17:\"Activity Settings\";s:12:\"access_masks\";s:12:\"Access Masks\";s:20:\"action_x_not_defined\";s:23:\"Action %1$s not defined\";s:6:\"active\";s:6:\"Active\";s:11:\"ad_selector\";s:11:\"Ad Selector\";s:3:\"add\";s:3:\"Add\";s:14:\"add_new_notice\";s:14:\"Add New Notice\";s:16:\"add_new_rss_feed\";s:16:\"Add New RSS Feed\";s:31:\"add_new_social_bookmarking_site\";s:31:\"Add New Social Bookmarking Site\";s:16:\"add_new_stylevar\";s:16:\"Add New Stylevar\";s:20:\"add_per_ten_comments\";s:57:\"Add this amount for every ten visible comments (0 - 1.00)\";s:20:\"add_this_many_points\";s:82:\"Add this many points. You should avoid adding a lot of entries with high priority.\";s:21:\"additional_usergroups\";s:21:\"Additional Usergroups\";s:25:\"administrator_permissions\";s:25:\"Administrator Permissions\";s: ETC for on and on and on......
Had to use the config trick to get back into my board and turn off dbtech activity within the product manager. nothing as far as admin had installed.
You'll need to either change yourself or ask your host to boost the max_allowed_packet size. There's nothing we or vBulletin can do about this, I'm afraid :(
Try about twice the size of that text file, that should sort you out for a good number of more mods installed :p
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