Question How to insert cost title in HTML templates

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Hi Fillip,

There are several places on my website where I need to append the title of a specific product pricing tier; for instance here (see text in red):


I checked the default template syntax for the field and found the expression $cost.title to match it in several templates; however, all my experimentation in dbtech_ecommerce_license_list_macros was to no avail. For instance, replacing this:
<xf:if is="{{ $license.isLifetime() }}">
    {{ phrase('never') }}
<xf:if is="{{ $license.isLifetime() }}">
    {{ phrase('never') }} &middot; {{ phrase('dbtech_ecommerce_product_pricing_tier:', {'title': $cost.title}) }}
did not work.

How do I achieve this, what am I missing?
Unfortunately, that is not possible, because license lengths are independent of pricing tiers. There is no way to look up what pricing tier was used when purchasing a license.

This was a deliberate design decision due to lessons learned from the original vBulletin version of eCommerce. Back in those days, licenses were explicitly tied to a pricing tier, which made it impossible to change what pricing tiers were on offer without also removing all licenses purchased via the old pricing tiers. It also made it impossible for customers to purchase f.ex. a "1 Year" license and then renew it using the "3 Months" pricing tier later. Licenses had to be renewed on the same pricing tier.

If you could describe your use case for displaying the pricing tier in the license list, I might be able to help with a workaround, though :)
In our case, we sell digital products with a permanent license duration and a few pricing tiers per product based on the customer type (organization size). Currently, I use a custom add-on to map different customer types to the corresponding pricing tiers.

Since the addition of the title field to the product pricing tier in the product form, I’m exploring the possibility of using it for association with customer types. It already works as I need it to in Front end > Product list > Purchase overlay; also in Product page > Pricing information. If I could append the pricing tier titles to licenses in a few other places, including invoices, I could do without the custom add-on and reduce the complexity of our system.
It might make more sense to set up separate products and use secondary user groups to restrict who can purchase what product(s). The pricing tier system is not designed to do what you are doing with it.
It might make more sense to set up separate products and use secondary user groups to restrict who can purchase what product(s).
Unfortunately, user groups won’t do it because the same user may need to buy different licenses of and, hence, may need to use different pricing tiers for the same product. Furthermore, setting up a separate product per pricing tier would immensely increase the amount of labor required and add clutter to data management (we have thousands of products).
The pricing tier system is not designed to do what you are doing with it.
Yes, I get it. No complaints. Still, letting you know what I’m doing with it may positively affect the development of the design into the future. At least, you’ve confirmed the custom add-on we’ve implemented is still an asset for us. That is good to know.

Keep up your good work!
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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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