Bug I can't choose a country

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Did you add the Country API key at the top of the Settings page? It's a new feature in latest version. You have to sign up at an external website and choose the free plan to get the key.

Then after you enter the key and save, you have to go to Admin -> Tools -> Cron entries -> Rebuild country list. Then the countries will be available under DBTech -> Settings -> Invoice options
Did you add the Country API key at the top of the Settings page? It's a new feature in latest version. You have to sign up at an external website and choose the free plan to get the key.

Then after you enter the key and save, you have to go to Admin -> Tools -> Cron entries -> Rebuild country list. Then the countries will be available under DBTech -> Settings -> Invoice options
It worked thanks
Then after you enter the key and save, you have to go to Admin -> Tools -> Cron entries -> Rebuild country list. Then the countries will be available under DBTech -> Settings -> Invoice options
They should add that to the read me file
Very hard to tell from that image, do you mean that the corners are cut inward? I'm not sure if that's from the image itself or not. Perhaps you could send me a larger view of your shop. I work with eCommerce all the time.
Is that a ThemeHouse style? I'm pretty sure they have an avatar shape function which would likely apply to product icons as well, since they're technically using the XF avatar class.

If not I could inspect the CSS if you PM me a link.
if your other avatars or any type of icons that use the class have that shape also, then it's not technically on the theme dev as DBTech product icons use the global avatar class. So I'd say it's on neither's end really, as they're just following convention (Resource Manager icons are also avatars).

What you can do is add CSS that targets the product icons and reverts/resets the shape that's being applied by the theme. For that you'd either need to know CSS or have someone do it. I could come up with a snippet for your site in about 30 seconds.
Edit.. well I suppose DohTheme could add checks against this but not all theme makers test with commercial addons (you either need to buy them, or ask their kind graces for developer licenses)
Did you add the Country API key at the top of the Settings page? It's a new feature in latest version. You have to sign up at an external website and choose the free plan to get the key.

Then after you enter the key and save, you have to go to Admin -> Tools -> Cron entries -> Rebuild country list. Then the countries will be available under DBTech -> Settings -> Invoice options

do I mean the external website MaxMind in the settings of DragonByte ShopSystem?
See image. Because I have the same problem and the countries are still not displayed despite the key and the update of the time-controlled tasks

Hi there,
no, I meant eCommerce, version 2.1.2 with Xenforo version 2.1.6, for which I also acquired the license here (I had expressed myself incorrectly here in the forum). The setting "CountryLayer API Key" is not available for me in the settings of the eCommerce system (maybe I just line up and it would be very easy) see pictures:

Bild 1.webpBild 2.webpBild 3.webpBild.webp

I would be very happy about your help, as I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here ...
Hello @ChipChip,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte eCommerce

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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