Bug I get bug

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Dear sir,

I'm using vBSecurity 1.1.1 for vbulletin 4.2 but i get error when i login admincp

vbSecurity dont send email to my inbox of my email.

" Your IP Address (95.xx.xx.xx) is currently awaiting authorisation to be enabled for the user XXX.

Please check the email address associated with your account and click the authorisation link."

Thank You

Best regards,
Please make sure the emails are not in the spam folder, and that they are not stuck in the mail queue.
Please also inspect the mailqueue table in vBulletin to make sure the emails were sent. Further, go to the Diagnostics area and make sure the forum is able to send emails to you.

You can disable all hooks by adding
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
to your config.php file.
No errors were returned while attempting to send the email. Check xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com shortly to confirm you've received the email. If you don't receive the email, try sending the test to a different address. If that fails, check your mail server's configuration.

i tested and it worked in Diagnostics area
You can manually authorise the IP address by editing the row in the dbtech_vbsecurity_adminauth database table.
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Legacy vBSecurity

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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