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Was running vbseo and vb3.8 previously and recently upgraded to vb4.2.2 and DBseo.
I installed a cert and urls should be https.... performed the vBseo import and disabled the plug in.
So tot he best of my knowledge I should be squared, however I getting db error the appear to pointing to http: and much like another thread attached images aren't loading /hanging except neither inline nor uploading attachments appear to be working. I do have forum urls set to [forum_title]/ , which seemed to help in the other thread.

Anyway Im hoping you can help me out or point me in a good direction. in the mean time i'm going to try and dig up some more info


Here is an example of the errors
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT data, expires, locktime, serialized
FROM cache
WHERE cacheid = '';

MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Tuesday, February 11th 2014 @ 04:50:43 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, February 11th 2014 @ 04:50:43 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : adminacct
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version
That error isn't related to DBSEO, as we don't run that query anywhere. Additionally, DBSEO DB errors do not use the same template for displaying the error message, nor does it email you on error.

Is HTTPS working on the forum URLs?
Darn it you beat me to my up date-
I reinstalled and completely blew out my .htaccess and created from scratch
imported from vbseo, cleared cache
tested uploading an attachment........ and It looks good at the moment :)

Im not sure what or why, nor do I care as long as it works ;) I made a bunch of changes to the forum instead of one at a time Duh! so Im chasing some random issuses atm. If I don't post within 24, I'm probably ok.
thanks for the quick response,
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