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I'm attempting to install vBArcade 2.0.2 on vB 5.0.X.

Once the files have been uploaded - first when I import receive a 'File Not Found' error as it cannot see the files in the /core/ sub-directory.
After I move these to this directory and try again, the page immediately then shows 'Importing Product, Please Wait... [:}' and stays on this page forever.

Can you please advise, as I have even reinstalled vBulletin twice to no avail to try and get this plugin working.

Could I have a response please?
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I'm attempting to install vBArcade 2.0.2 on vB 5.0.X.

Once the files have been uploaded - first when I import receive a 'File Not Found' error as it cannot see the files in the /core/ sub-directory.
After I move these to this directory and try again, the page immediately then shows 'Importing Product, Please Wait... [:}' and stays on this page forever.

Can you please advise, as I have even reinstalled vBulletin twice to no avail to try and get this plugin working.
Please ensure display_errors is enabled in php.ini. You can sometimes override this by adding
@ini_set('display_errors', true);
to your config.php directly beneath <?php

Could I have a response please?
Mondays are "release days", meaning that I am spending the majority of the day preparing new products / updates for release, and writing content like the Dev Blogs and release emails. Unfortunately my ability to provide support on those days will be limited.

Patience is a virtue :)

Turns out that I had purchased the older license for vBArcade.
I now have the arcade running, but a new issue appears - anytime that I try to import a game, doing any of the following results in a 500 Error:
- Import Games by URL
- Filtering by a keyword on Importing Games
- Trying to import via Kongregate
Please inspect your server's error log for the real error behind a 500 Internal Server Error. If you don't know where the log is, or don't have access to it, please contact your host for assistance as we have no way of discovering the issue if we can't see the "real" error message.
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