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As I was cleaning up old stuff from vb3, I started to delete vbseo (since I now have dbseo). Just after removing the product, it asked me about removing vbseo data from the database and I remembered that the Likes system I was using was vbseo. So I did not opt to remove the data from the database.

I then installed Advanced Post Likes and tried to import the likes from vbseo using the import script. It appeared to be importing... it went through several pages of posts and indicated I need to rebuild the counter (which I did).

I'm not confident it worked though. When I click on my Thanks/Likes profile tab, it is a blank page.
On closer look, I'm not sure that its working correctly. When I go to this link: Thanks / Like Statistics - Captive Reefs I'm getting a blank page?

EDIT- I can see in phpMyAdmin where there are likes statistics in the "dbtech_thanks_statistics" table. So I guess it imported them okay... so maybe the question is why isn't the mod displaying? Perhaps I have missed something basic here?

2nd EDIT- After multiple purge caches and system cache purges, it appears to now be working. :)
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Although now another issue has come up... I'm trying to manually place in postbit and it doesn't seem like that setting has any effect.
I can't look into this issue on your forum because your AdminCP is on a redirect loop. When I visit your AdminCP, it loads, then instantly reloads, ad infinitum.

In the source code for your AdminCP I see a few things that should not be there; CloudFlare and Google Analytics. Either of these could technically be the culprit.
I just turned on cloudflare today. But I am not having an issue accessing admincp on my end. Are you accessing it via the footer link or directly? Maybe try again? Or what would I need to do on my end to make sure cloudflare leaves admincp alone.
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I've tried either, and they both give me the same issue. I've never used CF so I don't know how to make it not run in the AdminCP, sorry :(
Can confirm the ACP is now working as intended :)

Where in the postbit would you like to display APTL content? I'm noticing that the template code provided by the Manual Deployment setting does not exist in your postbit_legacy template. I can add it to the appropriate location if you let me know where you'd like to display it :)
The postbit template I'm using is "postbit_collapse_legacy". I've placed the {vb:raw thanks_postbit} code in that template generally where I think I want it (which should be above the signature).
What you're aiming to do is a Pro-only feature. The manual deployment only counts for the postbit statistics.
Ah...okay. Misunderstood...the admincp setting I guess. So that code {vb:raw thanks_postbit} is for stats? Although I wasn't seening anything appearing where the code was placed. Or is that an admin setting that is only active for pro?

Regardless, I'll upgrade today.
It will only work on the 2 default postbit templates, not your custom postbit template.

The Cloud Display Style should work on your custom template though :)
I've got pro installed and where I want it. :)

If I can make a suggestion it would be to mention that setting is only to move the thanks/likes stats in the postbit userinfo area (or at least that is what I now understand that is what it does). As it is right now, it reads:

"If yes, Advanced Post Thanks / Like will not automatically add its information to the postbit, and you must use {vb:raw thanks_postbit} to display the postbit info where you want it to be located."

I wasn't clear on what "its information" is...I actually had gone back to the regular postbit but didn't see it putting anything above the signature area where I had put it. I even read the documentation...but there wasn't a lot in there either.

Regardless I'm all good now. :) And I truly appreciate your personalized service. You are second to none!
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