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When I tried to import some games
Also I had to rewrite a part of the url to be able to import files
it was showing the path in ftp and not Website URL path before /admincp/arcade_admin.php ( I think that I need to change something into htaccess file)

Then I changed it and v3arcade link worked
And when I imported
I got those lines
Games were not all working properly

Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in [path]/dbtech/vbarcade/systems/v3a.php on line 208

Warning: copy() [function.copy]: The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in [path]/admincp/arcade_admin.php on line 1295

Warning: copy() [function.copy]: The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in [path]/admincp/arcade_admin.php on line 1295

Warning: copy() [function.copy]: The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in [path]/admincp/arcade_admin.php on line 1295
did you add the htaccess or edit it for vbarcade?
if the latter, delete it, the former, remove what you added.

then, import v14 again of vba and it should add in the htaccess stuff for you.
see if that allows the live install service to work for you right away.

then see if you still get the error when trying to work with it.

also - what game were you trying to install?
Last edited:
well, i think this is fixed. first, apply from here:

then in dbtech/vbarcade/systems/v3a.php find

                                    //copy extra junk aside from what we have already, as per liveinstall
                                    foreach (arcade_scandir($gpath, array('swf', 'gif'), array($game['file'], $game['stdimage'], $game['miniimage'])) AS $file) $info['copyfile'][] = "$gpath/$file";

replace with

                                    foreach (arcade_scandir($gpath, array('html', 'txt'), array($game['file'], $game['stdimage'], $game['miniimage']), true) AS $file)
                                    {    //copy extra junk aside from what we have already, as per liveinstall
                                        $info['copyfile'][$file] = $subdir = "$gpath/$file";

                                        if (is_dir($subdir))
                                        {    //add required files from subdirectory
                                            foreach (arcade_scandir($subdir, array('html', 'txt'), array(), true) AS $subfile) $info['copyfile']["$file/$subfile"] = "$subdir/$subfile";

theres more for other things, but this takes care of the liveinstall one (whichever it was)
It was maybe a random error because I tried to import again like 20 hours later and it was working

but I think that it got fixed when we changed the path in htaccess because its (site/forums/rest of any links) on our site
Could have been, but this will squash it for sure, I applied a similar fix for IPB and it works great now.
I have another warning error:

When I am on import page for games .tar .zip etc

and I change the value of 25 to any other like 150 I have this this that
Only with this game "CryptRaider"

Warning: file_put_contents([path]/dbtech/vbarcade/import/temp/game_cryptraiderv32/ne&169=none&170=none&171=none&172=none&173=none&174=none&175=none&176=none&time=60&eof=true&) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/dbtech/vbarcade/functions_arcade.php on line 119

I am not sure what happen there but the game is working
I attached the game below (extract the .tar from the .zip):

*I will make a thread for it later because I need to do some homework for now :(


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Legacy vBArcade

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