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Question InnoDB Databases

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I notice you have 6 innodb tables in MySQL as opposed to default myisam tables for rest of database tables. They are as follows

| table_schema | table_name | engine |
| forum | credits_transaction | InnoDB |
| forum | dbtech_vbarcade_data | InnoDB |
| forum | dbtech_vbarcade_session | InnoDB |
| forum | vault_article | InnoDB |
| forum | vault_book | InnoDB |
| forum | vault_revision | InnoDB |

Do these tables specifically need to remain in InnoDB storage engine tables ?
my credits and vbarcade tables definitely do, as they are write-heavy and benefit from row vs table locking. cant speak for the vault tables.

are they causing trouble?

Im about to switch to Litespeed as a webserver, and the guy doing optimizations and its less preferred for them to be innodb on the performance side, i think that show i understood it
They should still work if you switch them to myisam, but as i said i selected those storage engines because of the nature of use those tables receive.
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